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The power of slow compounding - Sáb, 07/10/2021 - 14:51

What is the power of slow compounding and why does it matter to long-term investors? Read my thoughts about why it matters for my investing style.

The post The power of slow compounding appeared first on European Dividend Growth Investor.

Sánchez saca a Calvo, Ábalos y Redondo, asciende a Calviño y Félix Bolaños

Diario Financiero - Sáb, 07/10/2021 - 14:29

El presidente del Gobierno, Pedro Sánchez, acometerá este sábado una gran remodelación de su Ejecutivo y, entre otros cambios, ha decidido prescindir de la hasta ahora vicepresidenta primera, Carmen Calvo, del ministro de Transportes, José Luis Ábalos y a su jefe de Gabinete, Iván Redondo. Por el contrario, ha ascendido a vicepresidenta primera a Nadia […]

La entrada Sánchez saca a Calvo, Ábalos y Redondo, asciende a Calviño y Félix Bolaños se publicó primero en {DF} DiarioFinanciero.

This Week on TRB - Sáb, 07/10/2021 - 14:25
Thanks to Jason Snipe to coming to hang with us on the podcast this week. Michael, Jason and I get into a lot of stuff here, thanks for making us part of your routine each week. Listen above or find it on your favorite podcast app here.  These were the most read posts on the site this week, in case you missed it: ...

The post This Week on TRB appeared first on The Reformed Broker.

Question about Blum Tandem 563 drawer slides and rear mount brackets Main woodworking Forum - Sáb, 07/10/2021 - 14:24
Need a little clarity. I don’t do cabinet hardware stuff enough to know the right answer to this. There are some photos below to go along with all the words.

I’m building a large vinyl record storage cabinet that is going to have 12 drawer boxes on 15” Blum Tandem Blumotion slides. Looking at the specs for the drawer slides (+ the interior dimensions I need for record storage) helped me size the drawer and therefore the cabinet opening side to side. The slide paperwork said to add 1 15/16” overall to the inside dimensions of my drawer box for the outside dimensions of the slides and where they mount on the horizontal plane inside the cabinet. I took that to mean that was also where my vertical divider/partition would be as well as I was under the impression that the slides have screws they hold them both down the the horizontal part of the cabinet as well as screwed into the sides/vertical divider part.

In a mock-up yesterday trying to sort things out, I slide the rear mount bracket on the back of the slide and see that it projects out beyond the outer edges/dimensions of the slide about 3/8” on each side. Did I get the wrong rear bracket? Do I need to use them?

The issue is that the cabinet size and all the divider locations are already sized based on me adding 1 15/16” to the interior drawer box dimensions as per the slide instructions and I don’t have the extra 3/4” (3/8” on each outer side of each slide) in the current cabinet size. The cabinet parts are not cut to final size yet (or assembled) but I don’t have the extra length to add 3/4” to each drawer bay.

If I need them installed, do I need to make a little notch in the rear lower corner of each vertical divider to allow them to have the correct placement? Even then, one may collide with or touch the adjacent one, but that may not be a problem as long as they are just touching and not overlapping.

All material in this part of the cabinet and drawer boxes is 3/4” hardwood veneer plywood.

Attached the rear brackets I have and now I see the spec sheet on it calling out 15/32” of space that is takes up beyond the outer edge of the slide...

Am I missing something or just thinking about this wrong?

Thanks for any clarity! Attached Images (.-.)

Big Stock-Market Rotation Is Under Way, With Tech on Top

The Wall Street Journal Markets - Sáb, 07/10/2021 - 14:00
After languishing for months, the group has staged a resurgence with several tech behemoths hitting records in recent sessions.

Today it arrives! My Minimax! Main woodworking Forum - Sáb, 07/10/2021 - 13:31
The day has arrived! My SC 2C shipped from Georgia a day early and came into the shipping docks I'm allowed to utilize on Tuesday. DH and I were out of town vacationing while all this was happening. Today we'll go pick it up on the trailer and move it into my shop. :) I'm apprehensive about removing it from the skid, but I usually expect things to be much harder than they turn out to be, so hopefully this will hold true. I'll post pics. (.-.)

please, how does a code look before going into the postprocessor ? Uncategorised CAM Discussion - Sáb, 07/10/2021 - 13:27
hello, please, how does a code look before going into the postprocessor ?

what kind of data goes, as input, into a postprocessor ? kindly :)

La MLS hace crecer a Adidas... - Sáb, 07/10/2021 - 13:00
La MLS no ha parado de crecer en estos años que la estoy siguiendo desde que vivó en USA...y Adidas está lista para captar este crecimiento Soccero...

Analisis rapido del DJ Transp - Sáb, 07/10/2021 - 12:46

En ocasiones anteriores ya hemos comentado que el DJ Transp es una guía muy indirecta de las Bolsas,  pero que se adelanta a lo que va a hacer la economía, por eso es muy conveniente seguirle, pues suele marca los cambios de tendencia de las Bolsas. En estos últimos años le hemos analizado públicamente en varias ocasiones.


Por ejemplo en el 2020 empezó a caer un mes antes de la gran caída de la pandemia, esto es empezó su caída sobre el 20 de enero, será casualidad, pero acertó.



El anterior grafico es del citado DJ Transp en gráfico de 3 días y como se ve está siguiendo un canal alcista perfecto y bastante duradero. A principios de mayo del 2021, llegó al techo del canal y lo normal es que buscara la base, como así ha hecho. Ahora mismo entre la base del canal alcista y la MM50 parece que han detenido esa bajada y los indicadores parece que se están cerrando, y aunque la soga azul todavía no ha hecho suelo, si ha disminuido su descenso.


Si la semana que viene vuelve a seguir su marcha ascendente, pues peligro resuelto, si se queda enganchado a canal alcista vendrán las dudas y habrá que vigilar el 14.720 que es el nivel de la MM50.


Nuestro lema sigue siendo: Las Bolsas son impredecibles, pero no anárquicas.

10 Weekend Reads

ritholtz - Sáb, 07/10/2021 - 12:45

The weekend is here! Pour yourself a mug of Alto Grande coffee, grab a seat outdoors, and get ready for our longer-form weekend reads:

The Billionaire Playbook: How Sports Owners Use Their Teams to Avoid Millions in Taxes Owners like Steve Ballmer can take the kinds of deductions on team assets — everything from media deals to player contracts — that industrialists take on factory equipment. That helps them pay lower tax rates than players and even stadium workers. (ProPublica)

Older Americans Stockpiled a Record $35 Trillion. The Time Has Come to Give It Away. Transfers to heirs and others are unleashing a torrent of economic activity, including buying homes, starting businesses and giving to charity (Wall Street Journal)

TikTok made me buy it The video app is causing products to blow up — and flame out — faster than ever. TikTok allows certain creators and businesses in the UK and Indonesia to sell products within its TikTok Shop, though the feature doesn’t yet exist in the US. But it’s almost certainly coming. What effect that might have on American consumerism depends on whom you ask. (Vox)

The invisible addiction: is it time to give up caffeine? Caffeine makes us more energetic, efficient and faster. But we have become so dependent that we need it just to get to our baseline  (The Guardian)

• ‘Financially Hobbled for Life’: The Elite Master’s Degrees That Don’t Pay Off Columbia and other top universities push master’s programs that fail to generate enough income for graduates to keep up with six-figure federal loans. (Wall Street Journal)

The Resurrection of Bass Reeves His almost superhuman exploits made him one of the West’s most feared lawmen. Today, the legendary deputy U.S. marshal is widely believed to be the real Lone Ranger. But his true legacy is even greater. (Texas Monthly)

How May Edwards became the forgotten whistleblower Edwards is largely unknown and mostly forgotten. She is scheduled to report to the Bureau of Prisons in August, and no celebrities are clamoring about the injustice on Twitter. She is one of the most important whistleblowers of our era, and yet hardly anyone remembers her name. (Washington Post)

Ideas that work: Truth, knowledge, justice – to understand how our loftiest abstractions earn their keep, trace them to their practical origins (Aeon)

Untold stories of Ichiro: Wrestling with Griffey, All-Star speeches and ‘Ichi wings’ Twenty years ago, Ichiro Suzuki joined the Seattle Mariners, so The Athletic asked former teammates, managers, executives and rivals to explain the wonder, absurdity and hilarity of the Ichiro experience. Joba Chamberlain, Yankees teammate: Oh, I mean, do we have enough time for Ichiro stories?(The Athletic)

The Tin Man Gets His Heart: An Oral History of ‘Terminator 2: Judgment Day’ Three decades ago, James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Linda Hamilton joined forces again to make the biggest, baddest, most eye-popping sequel ever. Here’s the story of how the machines took over Hollywood. (The Ringer)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Christine Hurtsellers, CEO of Voya Investment Management. The firm manages over $245 billion in assets. Hurtsellers was recently named to Barrons’s top 10 most influential women in wealth management.


The global normalcy index Is the world returning to pre-pandemic life?

Source: Economist


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To learn how these reads are assembled each day, please see this.


The post 10 Weekend Reads appeared first on The Big Picture.

TOP Microondas: diferencias entre un microondas integrable y uno de superficie

Diario Financiero - Sáb, 07/10/2021 - 12:04

TOP Microondas es una plataforma web que compara los precios de los diferentes modelos de microondas que existen en el mercado. La finalidad es que las personas puedan adquirir el electrodoméstico al mejor precio disponible y con las características que se ajusten exactamente a las necesidades del cliente. En la web, se encuentran los enlaces […]

La entrada TOP Microondas: diferencias entre un microondas integrable y uno de superficie se publicó primero en {DF} DiarioFinanciero.

Maquinaria de jardín Anova en la distribuidora oficial de la marca Todo Bosque y Jardín

Diario Financiero - Sáb, 07/10/2021 - 12:04

La salud y crecimiento de las plantas es uno de los aspectos más importantes en los que piensa todo jardinero al momento de cultivar, bien sea en grandes parques o en jardines pequeños del hogar. Por ello, contar con herramientas especializadas en el arte de la jardinería es de gran ayuda para mantenerlos conservados y […]

La entrada Maquinaria de jardín Anova en la distribuidora oficial de la marca Todo Bosque y Jardín se publicó primero en {DF} DiarioFinanciero.

OHLA espera beneficios constantes desde 2022

Expansion empresas - Sáb, 07/10/2021 - 11:45
El presidente de la recién renombrada OHLA, Luis Amodio, reconoce que la marca OHL -usada durante 22 años- había perdido fuerza y era importante abordar un cambio de perspectiva con el que espera alcanzar un beneficio ordinario y constante desde 2022 y un ebitda del orden de 130 millones en 2023. Leer

Mañana entra en vigor la ley de lucha contra el fraude

Expansion economia - Sáb, 07/10/2021 - 11:37
El Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE) publicó este sábado la ley por la que se establecen normas contra las prácticas de elusión fiscal que inciden directamente en el funcionamiento del mercado interior, de modificación de diversas normas tributarias y en materia de regulación del juego, aprobada de forma definitiva el pasado 30 de junio en el Congreso de los Diputados, y que entrará en vigor mañana, domingo 11 de julio. Leer

Rich Americans Borrow to Live Off Their Paper Wealth

The Wall Street Journal Markets - Sáb, 07/10/2021 - 11:33
The wealthy are borrowing more than ever, using low-interest loans backed by their investments in a strategy known as “buy, borrow, die.”

Strong U.S. Recovery Aids Growth in Canada, Mexico

The Wall Street Journal Business - Sáb, 07/10/2021 - 11:30
Central bank officials in both Mexico and Canada have raised their forecasts for economic growth in their respective countries, in part because of the strong U.S. rebound.

This Week in Women - Sáb, 07/10/2021 - 11:00
Louisiana teen Zaila Avant-garde correctly spells ‘Murraya’ to win Scripps National Spelling Bee Zaila knew she would be the first African American winner of the bee. She knew Black kids around the country were watching Thursday night’s ESPN2 telecast, waiting to be inspired and hoping to follow in the footsteps of someone who looked like them. She even thought of MacNolia Cox, who in 1936 became the fir...

The post This Week in Women appeared first on The Belle Curve.

Bond contrarians vindicated by US Treasury yield plunge

Financial Times Markets - Sáb, 07/10/2021 - 11:00
Guggenheim Partners and Nuveen among managers who held out against consensus


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