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Los datos de IPC y los primeros resultados de la temporada marcarán la próxima semana

Bolsamania - Dom, 07/11/2021 - 06:00

En el capítulo empresarial, los primeros resultados del segundo trimestre serán los protagonistas. Así, en los próximos días se publicarán las cuentas de las grandes entidades financieras estadounidenses, de la compañía del sector salud UnitedHealth y del grupo de consumo básico PepsiCo. Igualmente, Inmobiliaria Colonial, Vidrala e Iberpapel repartirán dividendos entre sus socios.


-Dividendo (fecha de descuento): Colonial (0,22 euros brutos por acción) y Vidrala (0,3209 euros brutos).


- IPC junio Alemania, Francia, Estados Unidos.

- Transacciones de viviendas mayo España.

- Resultados PepsiCo, JPMorgan, First Republic Bank, Goldman Sachs, Fastenal, ConAgra Foods.

- Dividendo (fecha de descuento): Iberpapel (0,10 euros brutos por título).


- Decisión sobre tipos de interés Banco de la Reserva de Nueva Zelanda.

- IPC junio España, Reino Unido.

- Producción industrial mayo Eurozona.

- Índice de precios a la producción junio Estados Unidos.

- Inventarios semanales de crudo y destilados.

- Libro Beige de la Fed Estados Unidos.

- Decisión sobre tipos del Banco de Canadá.

- Resultados Bank of America, PNC Financial Services, Wells Fargo, BlackRock, Citigroup, Delta Air Lines.

-Dividendo (fecha de pago): Colonial (0,22 euros brutos por acción) y Vidrala (0,3209 euros brutos).


- PIB segundo trimestre China.

- Ventas minoristas junio China.

- Producción industrial junio China.

- Evolución del desempleo junio Reino Unido.

- Libro Philadelphia Fed mayo Estados Unidos.

- Peticiones semanales de desempleo Estados Unidos.

- Producción industrial junio Estados Unidos.

- Capacidad utilizada junio Estados Unidos.

- Resultados Bank of New York Mellon, US Bancorp, UnitedHealth, Morgan Stanley, People’s United, Progressive.

- Dividendo (fecha de pago): Iberpapel (0,10 euros brutos por título).


- Reunión sobre tipos de interés Banco de Japón.

- Balanza comercial mayo España.

- IPC junio final Eurozona.

- Ventas minoristas adelantadas junio Estados Unidos.

- Confianza Universidad de Michigan julio preliminar Estados Unidos.

- Resultados Honeywell, Moodys, VF, Charles Schwab, State Street, Kansas City Southern, Burberry Group.

What If An Alien Probe Visited Earth?

zerohedge - Dom, 07/11/2021 - 05:30
What If An Alien Probe Visited Earth?

Authored by Ross Pomeroy via,

Popular media portrayals of extraterrestrials visiting Earth have tended to display the dramatic: giant spaceraft, killer robots, and nefarious aliens. A more realistic scenario is decidedly more mundane, but still undeniably world-shattering: a single, robotic probe, visiting Earth in orbit or landing as a rover.

Back in 1998, Allen Tough, a Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto and an expert in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) before his death in 2012, postulated that there might be alien civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy with the ability to send out hundreds of small, intelligent probes to explore space. His supposition was reasonable. Today, well-funded collaborations like Breakthrough Starshot here on Earth are now actively working toward such an endeavor.

So what if Tough was right, and tens, hundreds, or even thousands of years ago, a far-off alien civilization dispatched dozens of robotic scouts out into the cosmos and one such rover eventually cruised its way to Earth?

What should be humanity's response?

The first step, according to Tough, would be to confirm that the craft really isn't from Earth, perhaps from a secretive government. A smart, skeptical team, ideally composed of scientists from various countries, would need to be recruited to examine the probe. If it's on land, the rover should probably be quarantined at the area it touched down. If it's in space, a robotic or a crewed mission would undoubtedly be required for an up-close look.

Once the probe's authenticity is confirmed, Tough stresses that the finding should be made public worldwide, with all collected data openly shared.

What to do next depends upon the nature of the probe.

According to SETI Senior Astronomer Seth Shostak, we'd want to find out if it's broadcasting any radio signals out into space, and probably block them at least temporarily. Such signals, especially if they are unidirectional, would likely be attempts to communicate with the aliens who sent it. We might not want the probe revealing too much about humanity before we can ascertain its intent.

If the probe's intent is judged to be benign, or even friendly, we'd next want to try to communicate with it. If it's plainly unintelligent, this could take some time. After unblocking its communications, we'd likely have Earth representatives attempt to share basic information, something like mathematical principles, gestures of friendship, or music. We'd then have to wait for the probe's handlers to respond through it. If the craft traveled for a long time, this could take hundreds of years! Shostak isn't sure humans would be able to wait that long – the desire to disassemble the probe and learn from it's technological guts might be too great.

But how would extraterrestrials feel if we took apart their probe? Shostak doesn't think aliens would be too mad. After all, if genial Martians suddenly appeared and messed with Curiosity, NASA engineers would be ecstatic - nothing would increase the space agency's budget more.

It would be more interesting if the probe or rover was artificially intelligent, thus capable of communicating with humans directly. Tough believed that any alien probe sent expressly for long-distance exploration would likely be capable of learning from, and even communicating with, a race it encountered.

"The probe has presumably already monitored our radio and television broadcasts, learned at least one of our languages, and learned about our culture and history," he wrote.

That certainly would be convenient and fascinating! While it's hard to hypothesize on what exactly an intelligent alien probe might tell us, Tough has a good idea about how we should act around it: show respect, avoid violence, speak and act truthfully, and deal with it fairly and honestly.

He also thought that any communication should be attempted with international scientific cooperation as well as openness to the public, aspirations perhaps as unlikely as an alien probe visiting Earth in the first place!

Tyler Durden Sat, 07/10/2021 - 23:30

Visualizing Silver's Uses Through The Ages

zerohedge - Dom, 07/11/2021 - 05:00
Visualizing Silver's Uses Through The Ages

Silver is one of the most versatile metals on Earth, with a unique combination of uses both as a precious and industrial metal.

Today, silver’s uses span many modern technologies, including solar panels, electric vehicles, and 5G devices. However, as Visual Capitalist notes, the uses of silver in currency, medicine, art, and jewelry have helped advance civilization, trade, and technology for thousands of years.

The Uses of Silver Over Time

The below infographic from Blackrock Silver takes us on a journey of silver’s uses through time, from the past to the future.

3,000 BC – The Middle Ages

The earliest accounts of silver can be traced to 3,000 BC in modern-day Turkey, where its mining spurred trade in the ancient Aegean and Mediterranean seas. Traders and merchants would use hacksilver—rough-cut pieces of silver—as a medium of exchange for goods and services.

Around 1,200 BC, the Ancient Greeks began refining and minting silver coins from the rich deposits found in the mines of Laurion just outside Athens. By 100 BC, modern-day Spain became the center of silver mining for the Roman Empire while silver bullion traveled along the Asian spice trade routes. By the late 1400s, Spain brought its affinity for silver to the New World where it uncovered the largest deposits of silver in history in the dusty hills of Bolivia.

Besides the uses of silver in commerce, people also recognized silver’s ability to fight bacteria. For instance, wine and food containers were often made out of silver to prevent spoilage. In addition, during breakouts of the Bubonic plague in medieval and renaissance Europe, people ate and drank with silver utensils to protect themselves from disease.

The 1800s – 2000s

New medicinal uses of silver came to light in the 19th and 20th centuries. Surgeons stitched post-operative wounds with silver sutures to reduce inflammation. In the early 1900s, doctors prescribed silver nitrate eyedrops to prevent conjunctivitis in newborn babies. Furthermore, in the 1960s, NASA developed a water purifier that dispensed silver ions to kill bacteria and purify water on its spacecraft.

The Industrial Revolution drove the onset of silver’s industrial applications. Thanks to its high light sensitivity and reflectivity, it became a key ingredient in photographic films, windows, and mirrors. Even today, skyscraper windows are often coated with silver to reflect sunlight and keep interior spaces cool.

The 2000s – Present

The uses of silver have come a long way since hacksilver and utensils, evolving with time and technology.

Silver is the most electrically conductive metal, making it a natural choice for electronic devices. Almost every electronic device with a switch or button contains silver, from smartphones to electric vehicles. Solar panels also utilize silver as a conductive layer in photovoltaic cells to transport and store electricity efficiently.

In addition, it has several medicinal applications that range from treating burn wounds and ulcers to eliminating bacteria in air conditioning systems and clothes.

Silver for the Future

Silver has always been useful to industries and technologies due to its unique properties, from its antibacterial nature to high electrical conductivity. Today, silver is critical for the next generation of renewable energy technologies.

For every age, silver proves its value.

Tyler Durden Sat, 07/10/2021 - 23:00

Another Rant - Dom, 07/11/2021 - 04:36
Last reply by Djjinja on Sun, 11 Jul 2021 02:36:31 +0000

Meet Jigsaw: Google's Intelligence Agency

zerohedge - Dom, 07/11/2021 - 04:30
Meet Jigsaw: Google's Intelligence Agency


It’s no secret that Google regularly collaborates with intelligence agencies.

They are a known NSA subcontractor. They launched Google Earth using a CIA spy satellite network. Their executive suite’s revolving door with DARPA is well known.

In the wake of the January 6th Capitol event, the FBI used Google location data to pwn attendants with nothing more than a valid Gmail address and smartphone login:

A stark reminder that carrying a tracking device with a Google login, even with the SIM card removed, can mean the difference between freedom and an orange jump suit in the Great Reset era.

But Google also operates its own internal intelligence agency – complete with foreign regime change operations that are now being applied domestically.

And they’ve been doing so without repercussion for over a decade.

From Google Ideas to Google Regime Change

In 2010, Google CEO Eric Schmidt created Google Ideas. In typical Silicon Valley newspeak, Ideas was marketed as a “think/do tank to research issues at the intersection of technology and geopolitics.

Astute readers know this “think/do” formula well – entities like the Council on Foreign Relations or World Economic Forum draft policy papers (think) and three-letter agencies carry them out (do).

And again, in typical Silicon Valley fashion, Google wanted to streamline this process – bring everything in-house and remake the world in their own image.

To head up Google Ideas, Schmidt tapped a man named Jared Cohen.

He couldn’t have selected a better goon for the job – as a card-carrying member of the Council on Foreign Relations and Rhodes Scholar, Cohen is a textbook Globalist spook. The State Department doubtlessly approved of his sordid credentials, as both Condoleeza Rice and Hillary Clinton enrolled Cohen to knock over foreign governments they disapproved of.

Google Ideas’ role in the 2014 Ukraine regime change operation is well-documented. And before that, their part in overthrowing Mubarak in Egypt was unveiled by way of the Stratfor leaks.

More recently, the role of Google Ideas in the attempted overthrow of Assad in Syria went public thanks to the oft-cited Hillary Clinton email leaks:

Please keep close hold, but my team is planning to launch a tool on Sunday that will publicly track and map the defections in Syria and which parts of the government they are coming from.

Our logic behind this is that while many people are tracking the atrocities, nobody is visually representing and mapping the defections, which we believe are important in encouraging more to defect and giving confidence to the opposition.

Given how hard it is to get information into Syria right now, we are partnering with Al-Jazeera who will take primary ownership over the tool we have built, track the data, verify it, and broadcast it back into Syria. I’ve attached a few visuals that show what the tool will look like. Please keep this very close hold and let me know if there is anything eke you think we need to account for or think about before we launch. We believe this can have an important impact.

-Jared Cohen to State Dept. Officials, July 25, 2012

With all this mounting evidence, surely Google Ideas was decommissioned. Surely Jared Cohen was swiftly ousted from his position at one of America’s premier Big Tech darlings for crimes against humanity, right?

Of course not!

Why scrap all that hard work when you can just rebrand and shift your regime change operations to domestic targets?

Google Jigsaw – USA Psyop Edition

Google Ideas was renamed Google Jigsaw in 2015 after years of bad press and controversy – this time with an eye on performing psychological operations in the United States.

But all that experience data mining and overthrowing Middle Eastern nations wasn’t just thrown out. Rather, Jigsaw repurposed its internal psychological operations program (code-named Operation Abdullah) to instead target “right-wing conspiracy theorists,” as revealed by privacy researcher Rob Braxman.

Using a technique known as the redirect method, Jigsaw attempts to populate outbound links to dissuade potential thought-criminals from looking at wrongthink.

Make no mistake – the redirect method is about more than manipulation of search engine results. It’s one thing to manipulate the content of searches based on query strings, but to target the psychology of the searcher themselves requires an accurate psychological profile of the person doing the searching.

And Google has psych profiles in spades thanks to centralized Google logins: To Android phones, to Gmail accounts, to adjunct services like YouTube, even to children via Google Classroom.

You don’t even need to use Google’s search engine to populate them with weaponized data. In fact, search alone provides far fewer avenues for offensive metadata usage than a cell phone.

We would implore readers to take a look at Jigsaw’s site. It’s a study in how to use front-end design to creep out your visitor, as a snippet of JavaScript code ensures your cursor is tracked in a spotlight throughout your visit:

Jigsaw’s front-end design team has a clear message for you: There’s nowhere to hide.

The site also uses another bit of intelligence tradecraft known as “transferrence” – it’s a simple psychological tactic of shifting blame from yourself to your target.

The four subheaders on Jigsaw’s homepage, Disinformation, Censorship, Toxicity, and Violent Extremism demonstrate this tactic at work.

  • There is no greater source of media disinformation than MSM and the information served up by Google search engines.

  • Big Tech are at the forefront of destroying free speech through heavy-handed censorship, Google among them.

  • Psychological manipulation tactics used by the social justice crowd doubtlessly instill toxicity in those subjected to them.

  • And Google’s well-documented history of participating in bloody regime change as described in this article are textbook cases of violent extremism.

Yet Jigsaw markets itself as combating these societal ails. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth, just as Google’s former company tag-line of “Don’t Be Evil” was a similar reversal of reality.

And yes, regime change aficionado Jared Cohen is still the CEO of Google Jigsaw. In fact, Jigsaw, LLC was overtly brought back in-house as of October 2020.

In Closing

As we’ve described in previous articles, vast swaths of the State-controlled Panopticon are currently being outsourced to Big Tech companies.

Call this phenomenon a public-private partnership. Call it the Great Reset. Call it Agenda 2030, or Agenda 21, or “stakeholder capitalism,” or any of the other euphemisms dreamt up by these hapless would-be oligarchs to sell neofeudal Technocracy to the public.

Making intelligence services pseudo-independent from the State is simply a mandatory prerequisite for fully globalizing them.

Furthermore, as the Biden administration seeks to reclassify half of the country as domestic extremists, it’s no secret that companies like Google, with their vast data weaponization programs, will play a key role in identifying Public Enemy #1:


There is no “silver bullet” solution to this problem. Nearly all consumer electronics can be exploited at very low levels. Even the Internet itself is a longstanding military intelligence operation.

But this doesn’t mean any action short of becoming a Luddite is meaningless!

If data is the new oil, it’s time to shut off your well:

  • Abstain from using Google Mail, Docs, or Search where possible.

  • Seek out alternative social media and content creation platforms.

  • If your smartphone requires heavy dependence on Apple or Google for logins or closed-source apps, consider privacy-respecting alternatives.

  • Familiarize yourself with common data harvesting tactics and take action where you can.

While a full list of meaningful action is beyond the purview of this post (or any single blog entry for that matter), the important takeaway here is this:

We cannot opt out of mass government surveillance. But we knowingly consent to most forms of “privatized” intelligence gathering.

Take the first step and revoke your consent.

Tyler Durden Sat, 07/10/2021 - 22:30

China threat tempers Taiwan’s welcome of Hong Kong exiles

Noticias del Financial Times (Ingles) - Dom, 07/11/2021 - 04:01
Taipei wary of provoking Beijing and fear mainland agents infiltrated protest movement

Sony embraces robotics to cut costs and boost digital services

Noticias del Financial Times (Ingles) - Dom, 07/11/2021 - 03:31
Merger of consumer electronics will resolve weaknesses and lift sales, says Japanese group’s Kimio Maki

Sony embraces robotics to cut costs and boost digital services

Financial Times Technology - Dom, 07/11/2021 - 03:31
Merger of consumer electronics will resolve weaknesses and lift sales, says Japanese group’s Kimio Maki

Sony embraces robotics to cut costs and boost digital services

Financial Times Companies - Dom, 07/11/2021 - 03:31
Merger of consumer electronics will resolve weaknesses and lift sales, says Japanese group’s Kimio Maki

Proscale/Accurate Technologies DRO on Supermax 19-38 Main woodworking Forum - Dom, 07/11/2021 - 00:49
Is anyone out there by chance using one of these DROs on their Supermax? I’m trying to install mine and can’t seem to figure out if and how I can install it with the supplied brackets. Hoping I don’t need to drill into the sander or fab up a custom bracket to make it work. The only examples I’m seeing online are for the wixey which has a bracket setup specific for this machine which mine does not. (.-.)

Telefónica (TEF) - Dom, 07/11/2021 - 00:44

(publicación retirada por el autor, se eliminará automáticamente en 24 horas a menos de que sea reportada)

JE Howells Twin V - Sáb, 07/10/2021 - 22:53
Any one that has built JE Howells twin V.
Em able to get ea cly fire on its own. Need some help how to time it. As cly one is on its power down stroke what should be taking place on cly 2? Is its the job of the fly wheel to maintain tell next power stroke of cly 2?


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