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Need Help! M-100 SMC Xilog

Mar, 10/12/2021 - 17:23
Need help with Xilog Maestro and xilog plus software.
having some bad errors on software cause of worker who has improper knowledge.
Need some help!!!
Check attachment .Please contact me ASAP
Will pay good money!

Attached Images

meshcam alternative for newbie

Sáb, 09/25/2021 - 19:07
I have been using meshcam (free 14 day trial) and it works fine, but CNC will be a hobby with a cheap Chinese milling machine. They want $250 for the standard version and that is just too much for an occasional hobby user.

What might be a reasonable alternative? I wouldn't mind paying up to $100 if needed.
The easier the UI the better.

Newbie Not sure of the process

Dom, 09/19/2021 - 18:53
So today is the day to decide the software to use with my cnc router project. I'm not sure of the electro is pieces involved. I'll lay out what I think I know and you can correct me at will.
Working backwards, i get the motor/ driver interface. Where I go dumb is from the BOB to the computer. It seems the BOB is sometimes proprietary to the cam software. So a software decision needs to be made.
Another brain fog moment comes from the insertion of andrinos and Rpi. I'm not sure why this is there. Is it so you don't have to tie a computer proper to the machine? Why the extra processor? Is it just so you can use grbl or mach? What are my software (cam) options if I just want to port from a motherboard mounted in the box (with associated hardware). Would this mean I only need controller software on this puter? Which one software?
If I run a cad system like Catia (I have it already) and use the machining work bench to create cutter paths, what do I use to post process? Does the postP determine what controller software to use? Somebody point me to a link or explain this to me
Thanks for your time and attention.

please, how does a code look before going into the postprocessor ?

Sáb, 07/10/2021 - 13:27
hello, please, how does a code look before going into the postprocessor ?

what kind of data goes, as input, into a postprocessor ? kindly :)

CAM for new 5 axis machine

Sáb, 07/03/2021 - 12:54
I am looking for a free or affordable CAM program for an xyzbc router that the fairies have made in my workshop. I have tried the cnc toolkit but can't seem to get it to work. Can anyone suggest a program I can use. I want to try and machine wooden busts from stl files.

Designing Filigree Type Tool paths

Sáb, 07/03/2021 - 02:15
Hello - I'm fairly new to CNC. Just finished my build. Trying to layout a backsplash that is lots of custom and unique curves and spirals. I took a a stab at it in V-Carve pro and have access to autocad as well but not quite what I am envisioning. Any suggestions to get from this

1st try.jpg

To this



biggest thing for me is not being able to generate long smooth curves or nurbs... Do I have to use rhino or illustrator? Anyone have any success with designs like this in V-Carve pro or autocad?


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Need Help! GCode Generator for CNC 3018 Pro

Jue, 07/01/2021 - 15:44
I have just acquired a little 2nd hand CNC 3018 Pro CNC/Engraving machine.
Got it home, installed driver plus UGS Universal Gcode Sender and machine seems to work on all axis just fine.
So now i need some hopefully freeware to generate gcode for this little machine from STL files I have created with Alibre Design.
What i want to do mostly cutout Perspex/Wood sheet and maybe a little 3 axis surface machining on Perspex/Wood.
Many thanks IMK