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In the middle of nowhere - Wyoming
This desire lead to this forum. Been lurking for a while now and have learned a lot.
The pics below is of the few patterns left from those days and some of the castings from the...
In the middle of nowhere - Wyoming
Wall Street sube con fuerza y el S&P 500 tiene su mejor sesión desde marzo
El S&P 500 ha tenido su mejor sesión desde marzo. El comportamiento de este jueves hace mejorar, poco a poco, las ganancias acumuladas de la renta variable estadounidense. El Dow Jones sube en lo que va de año un 14%, el índice de referencia mundial un 18% y el Nasdaq un 15%.
La reacción del mercado de deuda está siendo crucial para el buen comportamiento de las bolsas, ya que el rendimiento del bono americano a 10 años se ha relajado hasta el 1,518%, lo que ha permitido el rebote de las acciones tecnológicas, que son las más castigadas cuando suben las rentabilidades (TIRes) de los bonos.
EL 'TAPERING' EMPEZARÁ EN NOVIEMBREEl plan de la Fed prevé "reducciones mensuales en el ritmo de compra de activos en 10.000 millones de dólares en el caso de valores del Tesoro y en 5.000 millones en el caso de valores respaldados por hipotecas de agencias", y debería "concluirse a mediados del próximo año", según el documento.
Las actas mostraron la preocupación del banco central por la subida de la inflación, que amenaza con convertirse en 'persistente' y no en 'transitoria', como ha defendido su presidente, Jerome Powell, en los últimos meses.
"La mayoría" de miembros de la Fed "vieron los riesgos de inflación ponderados al alza debido a la preocupación de que las interrupciones de la oferta y la escasez de mano de obra podrían durar más y tener efectos mayores o más persistentes en los precios y los salarios de lo que suponían actualmente", indicó el documento.
"Encontramos interesante la discusión de la Fed sobre la inflación, ya que la mayoría de los funcionarios han alterado sus puntos de vista y ahora ven la presión de los precios es más pronunciada y duradera de lo que creían anteriormente", comentan los expertos de Daiwa Capital Markets.
Noticia relacionada La inflación en EEUU sube hasta el 5,4% y la tasa subyacente se mantiene en el 4%"Algunos funcionarios mencionaron riesgos al alza debido al aumento de los alquileres en respuesta a los precios de la vivienda más altos, y se consideró posible un cambio en las expectativas de inflación si persistieran las presiones sobre los precios", añaden.
"Al mismo tiempo", concluyen, "los funcionarios vieron la presión sobre la inflación como resultado en gran medida de los cuellos de botella de la cadena de suministro, que eventualmente se resolverán. Por lo tanto, a pesar de la sorprendente fuerza y persistencia, la mayor parte de los funcionarios todavía considera que la reciente tasa de inflación elevada es transitoria".
Según Link Securities, "no parece que la Fed tenga la intención de comenzar a subir sus tasas de interés oficiales, al menos hasta 2023. No obstante, esta decisión sí puede verse condicionada por una alta inflación más persistente, algo que no creemos que esté descontado por los mercados financieros occidentales".
En cuanto a las referencias económicas de la jornada, se ha dado a conocer el dato del paro semanal en EEUU, que ha caído por debajo de 300.000 por primera vez en la pandemia, alcanzando las 293.000 solicitudes, una cifra que mejora a las previsiones.
"La caída de las solicitudes de subsidio de desempleo es una sorpresa muy grata; las cifras no ajustadas fueron mucho mejores de lo que esperábamos, lo que sugiere que la historia es más amplia que la de los efectos del huracán Ida", comentan desde Pantheon Macroeconomics. Asimismo, prevén que las solicitudes no seguirán cayendo al mismo ritmo que las últimas dos semanas, pero que la tendencia es a la baja.
TEMPORADA DE RESULTADOS Noticia relacionada Biden: el puerto de Los Angeles operará 24/7 para contrarrestar los problemas de suministroEn la actualidad empresarial, ya estamos en temporada de resultados y los bancos estadounidenses han sido los primeros en presentar sus cuentas. Bank of America ha ganado 7.700 millones en el tercer trimestre y ha superado los pronósticos; Wells Fargo también ha batido expectativas y ha llegado a los 1,17 dólares por acción de beneficios; Morgan Stanley también ha obtenido unos resultados mejores que las estimaciones; y, por último, Citigroup ha obtenido unas ganancias un 48% superiores a las del mismo periodo pero de 2020.
Las cuentas de JP Morgan fueron recibidas con optimismo en la sesión anterior, y para el viernes están previstas las cifras de Goldman Sachs.
Otra compañía que también ha presentado sus resultados es Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing, que ha superado expectativas en el tercer trimestre, lo que le ha llevado a unas alzas del 2%. "Técnicamente lo tenemos en un momento de mercado de lo más interesante", dice José María Rodríguez, analista de Bolsamanía. "Se trata de un valor con un soporte muy claro y efectivo en el nivel de los 107,50 dólares. Aquí ha rebotado en marzo, mayo, agosto y en este mes", añade.
Continuando a nivel empresarial pero fuera de los resultados, Microsoft (+2%) ha anunciado que cerrará la versión local de LinkedIn en China. Se debe, dicen en un comunicado, al incremento de la censura en el país.
Asimismo, Moderna se ha disparado un 3% después de que la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos (FDA, por sus siglas en inglés) haya recomendado su vacuna para los adultos de riesgo.
OTROS MERCADOSPor otro lado, el presidente de EEUU, Joe Biden, ha anunciado un nuevo plan para mantener abierto un puerto clave de EEUU, el de Los Angeles, "24 horas al día, siete días a la semana", que aliviaría la presión sobre una cadena de suministro sobrecargada que ha frustrado a los estadounidenses y se ha convertido en una importante deficiencia económica.
En otros mercados, Goldman Sachs cree que el precio del petróleo seguirá por las nubes en los próximos años debido al desequilibrio entre la oferta y la demanda. Apuntan a que la falta de inversión en las compañías del sector debido a que se intenta animar a la transición hacia una energía más verde, provoca que las empresas prefieran repartir dividendos entre sus accionistas a poner en el mercado un mayor número de barriles. En estos momentos, el WTI ronda los 81 dólares.
Por otro lado, el euro se aprecia un 0,03% y se cambia a 1,1596 dólares. Además, la onza de oro repunta un 0,22%, hasta 1.798 dólares. Por último, el bitcoin avanza un 1,39%, hasta 57.886 dólares.
El Fondo Bolsa Social avisa que el 3% de la población es dependiente
El debate ‘Altavoz de Empresa de Impacto: Innovar para cuidar mejor a nuestros mayores y dependientes’, organizado por Fundación Afi y Fondo Bolsa Social, parte de una evidencia: “Somos el tercer país más envejecido de Europa y en 2050 seremos el primero. Tenemos cerca de 1.400.000 personas con dependencia, un 3% de la población, y es un enorme reto que tenemos como sociedad», apunta José Moncada, director general de la firma de inversión de impacto..
El director general de Ilunion Sociosanitario, Joaquín Leizaola, pone el foco en que “el envejecimiento de la población va a suponer que en el futuro necesitemos dar atención de calidad a más gente y con menos profesionales”. “Es necesario que busquemos soluciones innovadoras para suplir esta falta de recursos. Como sociedad tenemos el reto, no solo de cumplir muchos años, sino de cumplirlos bien», afirma Leizaola.
Adolfo Fernández – Valmayor, director general de Transformación y Sistemas del Grupo Quirónsalud, cree que hay consultas médicas presenciales evitables, porque no siempre es necesario que el paciente se desplace al hospital para mostrarle, por ejemplo, los resultados de una prueba. “Los hospitales no están preparados para tratar las enfermedades crónicas, sino para tratar al paciente agudo. Uno de los grandes retos es el de lograr trabajar con los pacientes no solo durante el acto médico, sino también en el antes y después”, señala.
«Uno de los mayores problemas que tenemos es el de la llamada continuidad asistencial, y de la separación que existe a día de hoy entre la asistencia primaria, especializada y socio sanitaria, cuyas atribuciones no están bien repartidas“, comenta Fernández-Valmayor.
Inteligencia Artificial para atender en domiciliosTucuvi, fundada por María González, es un proyecto que nace de la necesidad de hacer un seguimiento de los pacientes que viven en sus domicilios, y que permite “dar más brazos” a los profesionales sanitarios.
Ante la creciente demanda de atención domiciliaria, especialmente durante la
pandemia, el equipo de Tucuvi ha desarrollado un asistente virtual, al que han
llamado “Lola”, que, mediante inteligencia artificial, se atiende a las personas
mayores y dependientes en sus domicilios a través del teléfono de casa. El asistente
es capaz de hablar con los usuarios y obtener información relevante que se traslada a
los profesionales sanitarios. De esta forma, se dota a los profesionales de información,
lo que les permite ser más efectivos durante su jornada y mejorar los resultados en
salud de sus pacientes. “Gracias a la tecnología se hace un seguimiento que antes no
se estaba haciendo. El paciente, que tienen llamadas semanales, percibe mucha más
calidad y valora más la asistencia sanitaria”, asegura González.
Qida ofrece un servicio de atención domiciliaria para personas dependientes y/o crónicas con cuidadores profesionales, que permite hacer un seguimiento del paciente desde su propio domicilio y evita hospitalizaciones innecesarias. “Queremos ofrecer continuidad asistencial para conseguir adecuación y que la persona esté en el mejor sitio recibiendo el mejor cuidado en ese momento”, afirma Oriol Fuertes, CEO y fundador de Qida.
La entrada El Fondo Bolsa Social avisa que el 3% de la población es dependiente aparece primero en DiarioAbierto.
A small wireless carrier owned by Verizon reported a data breach. Customers say they're livid at how it was handled.
NurPhoto / Getty Images
- Wireless carrier Visible confirmed reports of a data breach that gave hackers unauthorized access to customers' accounts.
- Customers reported changes of addresses, emails, and passwords, and iPhone purchases charged to their Visible accounts.
- Visible said as soon as it learned to the breach it took steps to "enable additional controls to further protect our customers."
Wireless carrier company Visible confirmed reports of a data breach that gave hackers unauthorized access to customers' accounts and payment information, but some customers say they are still waiting to get fraudulent charges reversed.
Customers first reported the breach over the weekend after noticing emails from Visible saying their emails, passwords and addresses had been changed, but they hadn't initiated the action. Some customers even had unauthorized charges from Visible placed on their PayPal, debit, or credit card accounts for costly purchases like an iPhone 12 or the latest iPhone 13 Pro Max that costs over $1,000.
Several Visible customers told Insider that they were then unable to reset their passwords because Visible's password reset feature appeared to be down and any reset emails were going to the changed emails of the bad actors, not their personal emails.
Visible, owned by Verizon, is an all-digital wireless carrier in the US. Visible is popular amongst its users for its price-- for as low as $25 a month, Visible users get unlimited talk, text, data, and mobile hotspot. Verizon is one of the largest wireless carriers in the US and services over 121.3 million total wireless customers.
Some customers have been upset about the lack of communication from the company, saying they found out about the breach through conversation on the internet. Customers have also complained that the carrier has been slow to act once fraud is detected in their accounts and that they are still unable to access their accounts several days after the initial breach.
"I'm livid-- not about the breach, it's 2021 and we all know that hacking is part of our reality-- but about the way Visible has handled the entire situation," a Visible customer who had been charged $763 for an unauthorized purchase of an iPhone 12 told Insider. "Instead of alerting all customers immediately or acknowledging the larger issue, they kept it under wraps for days and in doing so, probably compromised many of their customer's other accounts."
Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, hacking activity has been on the rise. Last year, the FBI reported a 300% increase in the number of cyber crimes reported, warning people need to be extra cautious, according to The Hill. Wireless carrier T-Mobile was involved in a data breach last month that sold millions of customers' information to threat actors on the dark web. Last week, Syniverse, a major telecommunications company, said hackers had been in its system for years exposing billions of text messages and millions of cell phone users' data, Insider reported.
Visible first released a statement on Twitter on Wednesday stating that the bad actors were able to access customers' usernames and passwords from an "outside source."
-Visible (@Visible) October 13, 2021"As soon as we were made aware of the issue, we immediately initiated a review and started deploying tools to mitigate the issue and enable additional controls to further protect our customers," a spokesperson from Visible told Insider in a statement. "If you use your Visible username and password across multiple accounts, including your bank or other financial accounts, we recommend updating your username/password with those services."
Three customers told Insider they are wary of the company's explanations because they had long and unique passphrases for their Visible accounts that were not used on any other website.
Visible does not offer multi-factor authentication (MFA) for its accounts which, according to cybersecurity experts, is important in preventing data breaches and hacks of this nature.
"Passwords, as a single means to authenticate, continue to be a primary target for attackers," Gary Brickhouse, the chief information security officer of the cybersecurity firm GuidePoint Security, told Insider in an email. "This is caused by the use of simple, easily guessed passwords and other malicious activity such as phishing emails."
80% of breaches like Visible involve brute force or the use of lost or stolen credentials, something that MFA can help prevent.
"Think of 2 factor authentication as the chain lock on your front door, while username and password are your keys to the lock, if that chain is in place, intruders aren't getting in," Adam Kujawa, director of Malwarebytes Labs told Insider.
Visible customers say they are waiting to see what steps the company takes.
"They've been great up to this point and there's nothing that provides the same service for near the same price," Visible customer Hailen Jackson told Insider. "If they don't provide a proper security roadmap/update I will definitely leave."
Read the original article on Business InsiderCobas Commentary: The Shopping List
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Me presento, soy Vash y soy IF
La eficiencia fiscal esta muy bien, pero la eficiencia psicológica es igual de importante
No es igual, es mas importante
Cuando viene una gorda, y todo baja, tener unos ingresos pasivos que aunque bajen, no en la misma proporcion te da mucha tranquilidad y evita hacer tonterias
Al menos es mi expericiencia.
70% acciones, 30 cash, 0 fondos (Solo el PP de Bestinver)
Hot Locations: The 30 Most Popular Second Home Buying Destinations in the Americas
When it started almost two years ago, the pandemic upended people’s lives. Hobbies were forgotten, all activities that were not hand washing and mask buying were set aside, and all plans were put on hold. Travel plans were chief among them, as planes and trains and ships all ground to a halt in the weeks and months that followed the first lockdown.
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(function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true);Q3 2021 hedge fund letters, conferences and more
Travelers and those interested in moving abroad were hit especially hard by the new restrictions. However, the temporary clamp down only seemed to make Americans more eager and more determined to try and find a better home, a bigger property or a sunnier backyard somewhere south or north of the border.
With much more time on their hands and with precious else left to occupy their imagination, many Americans took to travel planning and house hunting in the virtual space. And as the analysis of search patterns by real estate platform Point2 revealed, some countries and places in the Americas take precedence when it comes to Americans’ preferences for second home locations.
Compared to 2015 and 2018, some countries have retained their privileged position at the top, while others were dethroned by newly minted, second home and vacation home heavens.
So, which are the most desirable destinations for second home buying? Mexico and Canada remain the most popular destinations in which to buy a second home in the Americas. Puerto Rico — the third-most sought-after location in 2018 — dropped to number four, switching places with Costa Rica. Newcomer Honduras kicked Jamaica out of the top 10 most-wanted locations. New countries to enter top 30 include: El Salvador, Grenada, Anguilla, and Peru.
- Mexico’s Fabulous Beaches & Enchanting Lifestyle Continue to Attract American Homebuyers
No other country was able to surpass Mexico so, in 2021, it remains the most popular destination for Americans looking to buy a home abroad. Gathering more than 80,000 monthly searches, Mexico is the obvious vacation choice given its wide array of activities, leisure opportunities, and spectacular gastronomic options.
Also, with beaches for miles, relaxing waves and colorful wildlife, looking for homes for sale in Puerto Vallarta or San Miguel de Allende makes sense for many of the people who feel trapped inside crammed city apartments.
Puerto Vallarta is the most-searched destination, followed by San Miguel de Allende and Cabo San Lucas. Boasting the most Google searches of all of the real estate markets in the country, these superlative resort-style cities have all the sand and sea, captivating architecture and entertainment options that anyone could wish for.
San Miguel de Allende is a hidden gem that’s sure to make repeaters of all of its first-time visitors and, moreover, turn many visitors into permanent residents. Proof of the city’s incredible magnetism, as well as its acceptance and harmonious living are the 63 different nationalities living together and calling San Miguel home.
The third most-researched Mexican destination is Cabo San Lucas. Americans who want to move here are mostly fascinated by the pristine beaches and spectacular water vistas, as well as the city’s busy night life, abundant food and dining options, and vibrant art scene.
- Canada Retains Its Appeal for American Second-Home Buyers
Jumping from the 7th place in 2015 straight to #2 in 2018, Canada has managed to retain its place on the podium in 2021 as well. The U.S. neighbor to the north has become a mainstay, in large part due to its proximity and ease of access but also to Canadians’ famed deference and politeness and to the country’s amazing ski resorts, endless hiking trails and breathtaking northern lights spectacle.
Vancouver, BC and Toronto, ON are the most popular locations for Americans looking to buy a second home. Coming in at #3 — but definitely trailing behind the first two markets in terms of number of searches — is Hamilton, ON.
But for those who are more interested in the best cities for young people, more specifically Canada’s top millennial hot spots, the cities that are the most attractive are Québec City, QC; Ottawa, ON; and Kingston, ON.
- Tropical Paradise Costa Rica Earns Spot as In-Demand Second-Home Location
Costa Rica has something for everyone: Those who simply want to relax in the sun all day can take advantage of the country’s endless beaches while the adventurous types can spend as much time as possible surfing, white-water rafting, visiting the hot springs of Arenal or watching wildlife.
And what are the top three most-desirable locations for Americans? Tamarindo, Jaco and Santa Ana. If Tamarindo and Jaco are known for their beaches, great surfing, water sports and activities and amazing national parks, Santa Ana is famous for its professional 18-hole golf course, a bustling downtown area with plenty of shopping venues and restaurants.
No matter the place they choose, with a bit of luck, American second home buyers are sure to find their own home away from home in these countries. Garnering tens of thousands of searches, tropical havens and oases of adventure or tranquility such as Mexico, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, or Canada might be the perfect places to escape and unwind.
Updated on Oct 14, 2021, 4:13 pm
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Comment on If The U.S. Housing Market Gets As Hot As The Canadian Housing Market by SS
In reply to SS.
A couple links showing some of the data I was lookin at: (page 6)
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SunPower (SPWR) Announcement of Acquisition of Blue Raven Solar
Coinbase calls for creation of dedicated crypto regulator
Coinbase calls for creation of dedicated crypto regulator
Coinbase calls for creation of dedicated crypto regulator
Dow spikes 534 points as earnings season opens with a series of strong performances
Lucas Jackson/Reuters
- US stocks soared nearly 2% on Thursday as third-quarter earnings season started off strong.
- Earnings reports from banks including Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, and Citigroup were ahead of expectations.
- Weekly jobless claims fell to a pandemic-era low, also helping boost investor sentiment.
- Sign up here for our daily newsletter, 10 Things Before the Opening Bell.
US stocks jumped nearly 2% on Thursday as investors reacted positively to strong third-quarter earnings beats from banks including Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, and Citigroup.
The bank stocks soared as much a 4% as a continued drop in provisions for credit losses and strength in the investment banking and wealth management sectors drove growth.
Also boosting investor sentiments on Thursday was a strong weekly jobless claim reading of 293,000, representing a pandemic-era low and beating economist estimates. Continuing claims fell to 2.59 million, besting forecasts as well.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average jumped over 500 points while the tech-heavy Nasdaq 100 led markets higher.
Here's where US indexes stood at the 4:00 p.m. ET close on Thursday:
- S&P 500: 4,438.25, up 1.71%
- Dow Jones Industrial Average: 34,912.56, up 1.56% (534.75 points)
- Nasdaq Composite: 14,823.43, up 1.73%
Cathie Wood's Ark Invest put its name behind a bitcoin futures ETF that was filed with the SEC on Wednesday, signalling that the futures-based crypto ETF may be eventually approved by the regulatory agency.
Coding platform GitHub soared more than 20% in its IPO debut on Thursday, sporting a valuation of more than $11 billion. The company, which has seen a surge in growth amid the work-from-home trend, priced its IPO at $77 per share.
Chinese brokerage firms fell sharply in Thursday trades as it became apparent that a new data privacy law in China will likely hamper the companies' ability to service mainland China investors unless they quickly adapt to the new rules.
Citigroup saw its profits surge 48% in the third-quarter following the release of loss reserves and a strong period for equity and fixed income trading.
Bank of America beat its earning estimates for the third-quarter, as record-high advisory fees and a $1.1 billion reserve release helped boost profits.
Morgan Stanley posted a strong third-quarter earnings report as growth in its investment banking and wealth management divisions bested estimates.
West Texas Intermediate crude oil rose as much as 1.16%, to $81.37 per barrel. Brent crude, oil's international benchmark, jumped 1.14%, to $84.13 per barrel.
Gold jumped as much as 0.23%, to $1,798.80 per ounce.
Read the original article on Business InsiderCierre en Wall Street: Dow Jones: +1,56%; S&P 500: +1,71%; Nasdaq: +1,73%
España liberó América, no la conquistó
De sesgos y prejuicios todos tenemos los nuestros.
En realidad, quienes tienen unos sesgos distintos a los nuestros no son ni estúpidos ni malvados. Incluso podría ser que se acercaran más a la verdad que nosotros con los nuestros.