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Domino's Pizza, Inc. (DPZ) CEO Rich Allison on Q3 2021 Results - Earnings Call Transcript
¿Es el BALANCE de los bancos centrales lo que hace SUBIR a las BOLSAS?
La última década ha metido una idea en la cabeza de los inversores. Si los bancos centrales expanden sus balances, las bolsas tienen que subir. Es una idea simple que, de hecho, correlaciona bastante bien. Sin embargo, haciendo un poco de trabajo “sucio” se puede concluir que los mercados reaccionan a las condiciones de crecimiento e inflación y son los bancos centrales los que también acaban reaccionando con posterioridad a esas condiciones.
Si comparamos el rendimiento del S&P500 con respecto a la subida del balance de la FED, veremos que la bolsa apenas ha subido en todos estos años. La mayoría de inversores sólo ve como solución a nuevas crisis económicas o financieras más QEs en el futuro. ¿Hay más alternativas?
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Twitter: @bolsaconcabeza
¿Es el Que el culpable de la inflación?
El principal operador mundial de puntos de intercambio de Internet aterriza en Barcelona
El principal operador mundial de puntos de intercambio de Internet aterriza en Barcelona
El principal operador mundial de puntos de intercambio de Internet aterriza en Barcelona
Las familias tiene un ahorro financiero de 2,48 billones en el primer semestre
El ahorro financiero de las familias españolas se situó en 2,48 billones€ en el primer semestre de 2021. En el segundo trimestre del año, los hogares incrementaron en 70.500 millones su saldo en activos financieros, un 2,9% más que a finales del primer trimestre de 2021 y 4,8% más que en diciembre de 2020.
En este primer semestre del año, la mitad del incremento del ahorro financiero de los hogares (58.353 millones) tuvo su origen en la revalorización de los activos por efecto mercado, y el resto (54.484 millones) por nuevas adquisiciones de activos financieros.
La adquisición neta de activos financieros por parte de las familias alcanzó el 5,9% de PIB, (68.810 millones), repartida entre depósitos y efectivo (53.197 millones) e inversión colectiva, con flujos de entrada positivos de 28.880 millones, de los cuales más del 40% han correspondido al segundo trimestre (11.672 millones de euros).
En este segundo trimestre del año, el instrumento financiero de referencia para los hogares han vuelto a ser los fondos, con un crecimiento trimestral del 4,9%. En lo que va de año, la inversión colectiva experimentan un incremento del 10,3%, y ya representan más del 15,4% del ahorro total de las familias españolas
La riqueza financiera neta de los hogares, resultado de minorar el saldo de activos financieros con los pasivos incurridos por las familias, experimentó en junio un nuevo máximo histórico, y se situó en 1,71 billones (147,9% del PIB nacional).
Seguros y pensiones tiene un peso del 15,54%Según los datos de Inverco sobre el Ahorro Financiero de las Familias Españolas correspondientes al segundo trimestre de 2021, los españoles tienen ahorrados en seguros de Vida, EPSV y Fondos de Pensiones 385.295 millones, lo que supone el 15,54% del total.
El seguro de Vida, que incluye EPSV y los seguros colectivos de pensiones, acumula un ahorro de 254.116 millones, el 3,5% menos que en el primer trimestre y descenso interanual del 1,5%. De esta cantidad, 190.449 millones son el ahorro gestionado por el seguro de Vida, que ca el 5,2% respecto al trimestre anterior y el 3,2% sobre diciembre de 2020.
La inversión en fondos de pensiones se eleva a 131.179 millones, con un crecimiento en los últimos tres meses del 5,5%, y una evolución interanual positiva del 10,4%.
La entrada Las familias tiene un ahorro financiero de 2,48 billones en el primer semestre aparece primero en DiarioAbierto.
Películas relacionadas con la inversión
Tan sólo he comentado mi opinión , sobre la calidad del film en cuestión. Y para alguien que ama tanto el cine como yo , me supuso una farsa y un acercamiento " Simplón " a este universo, tan bien representado en otras muchas obras. Pero entiendo, que todo llega a ser subjetivo y respetable.
OCA Global superará los 100 millones este año y crece con adquisiciones
30cc Inline Twin 4-stroke Engine based on Westbury's Wallaby
I am a huge fan of Edgar Westbury's work as a model engine designer. He was very prolific producing designs optimized for construction by the home machinist with minimal tools, typically a small lathe and a drilling machine...
30cc Inline Twin 4-stroke Engine based on Westbury's Wallaby
Bitcoin futures premium doubles ahead of SEC's potential approval of an ETF next week
Nurphoto / Getty Images
- Bitcoin futures premium has doubled this month as the SEC rules on the potential of approval of several ETFs.
- SEC Chairman has recently voiced his support for bitcoin ETFs that hold futures contracts rather than directly holding bitcoin.
- The SEC is set to either approve, deny, or delay bitcoin ETF proposals from four firms over the next two weeks.
- Sign up here for our daily newsletter, 10 Things Before the Opening Bell.
The premium tied to bitcoin futures contracts has doubled this month as investors anticipate the SEC's potential approval of several bitcoin ETFs over the next two weeks.
The SEC is set to either approve, deny, or delay bitcoin ETF proposals from ProShares, Valkyrie Investments, Invesco, and VanEck, which were all submitted to the regulatory agency in August.
While still wary of a pure bitcoin ETF due to concerns for potential fraud, SEC Chairman Gary Gensler has voiced his support in recent weeks for a bitcoin ETF that buys underlying futures contracts on the cryptocurrency rather than directly buying bitcoin itself.
Since Gensler has made clear his thoughts on the possibility of bitcoin futures-based ETF, several issuers have submitted new ETF applications that would utilize that same approach, including Cathie Wood's ARK Invest.
With approval of a bitcoin futures ETF looking more likely than ever, the annualized premium of CME bitcoin futures prices over bitcoin's spot value was 15%, compared to an average of 7.7% over the first nine months of the year, according to the Wall Street Journal.
Given that there could very soon be a surge in demand for bitcoin futures contracts due to the onslaught of new ETFs, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange is planning to raise the limit on the number of bitcoin futures contacts a single firm can hold.
The SEC also seems to be ramping up education about bitcoin futures contracts ahead of their decision on the ETFs later this month. On Thursday, the SEC Investor Education Twitter account shared a link to more information on bitcoin futures and said, "Before investing in a fund that holds Bitcoin futures contracts, make sure you carefully weigh the potential risks and benefits."
Whichever firm receives approval for the first bitcoin futures-based ETF could see a significant first-mover advantage as investors seek exposure to bitcoin in their traditional brokerage and retirement accounts. Bitcoin is up more than 30% so-far in October, and is up just over 100% year-to-date.
Markets Insider
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A European cruise line has canceled its 2022 around the world cruise due to an 'unavailability of ports'
- MSC Cruises has canceled its 2022 world cruise and will instead sail two global cruises in 2023.
- The cruise line attributed the cancellation to the "current unavailability of ports."
- MSC says it's an issue regarding pandemic-related restrictions at ports.
MSC Cruises has canceled its 2022 world cruise due to the "current unavailability of ports" and will instead sail two global cruises in 2023, the company said in a press release on Wednesday.
"It would not have been possible to carry [the 2022 world cruise] out due to there being too many ports still facing restrictions as a result of the pandemic," the company said. MSC did not immediately respond to Insider's request to elaborate on said "restrictions," but ports around the world are currently facing congestion issues amid persistent and crippling supply chain delays.
To address the ongoing demand for world cruises, MSC- which is owned by logistics and shipping group MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company - has moved its 2022 global cruise to the following year aboard the MSC Magnifica. This sailing will then accompany MSC's sold-out 2023 world cruise aboard the MSC Poesia, which first went on sale in 2020.
The two global cruises on the Magnifica and Poesia will sail with different itineraries, the former with the same plans as the initial 2022 world cruise. The ships will begin embarkation from January 4 through 7 in four European cities. And from there, the cruises will sail on different paths.
Passengers who were initially set to sail on the 2022 world cruise will receive priority booking for the new 2023 world cruise aboard the Magnifica. Guests who move their now-canceled cruise to 2023 can also book a free sailing between January 1 and May 3, 2022.
Read the original article on Business InsiderThe top 15 states for people interested in making a career change
RunPhoto/Getty Images
- A record 4.3 million Americans have quit their jobs in August.
- According to a new analysis from BestColleges, Georgia may be a good state if you're looking to make a career change.
- Here's the top states to change careers according to BestColleges and some highlights from the metrics used to create the ranking.
New Jersey had the third largest median income and also ranked third for well-being using Sharecare's Community Well-Being Index. However, the Garden State had one of the wider gender pay gaps using earnings data, having the third largest earnings gap among the states.
14. WashingtonMatteo Colombo/Getty Images
Washington's relatively large median income contributed to it being one of the better states to change careers, according to BestColleges' analysis. The state ranked seventh for median income and also had a high well-being index using Sharecare's Community Well-Being Index. The state's lowest rank among the seven metrics was its gender pay gap, having the fourth largest earnings gap.
13. KansasJohn Coletti/Getty Images
Kansas' lower cost of living compared to other states contributed to it being one of the top 15 states to change careers, with the second lowest cost of living among the states. It also had a relatively low unemployment rate, ranking 12th. However, the state had the second lowest year-over-year job growth.
12. TexasZview/Getty Images
Both Texas' cost of living and its year-over-year job growth ranked 14th, its best ranks among the seven metrics used to find the best states to change careers. The Lone Star state's lowest ranks were its unemployment rate and well-being index, placing at 35 for both of these two categories.
11. VirginiaSky Noir Photography by Bill Dickinson/Getty Images
Virginia had one of the larger median incomes among the states, ranking 10th. The state had a relatively higher well-being rank and vaccination rate among the states. However, Virginia doesn't have as much year-over-year job growth compared to other states, ranking at 39.
10. MarylandRichard T. Nowitz/Getty Images
Maryland had the largest median income among the states based on the 2019 Census data used to come up with the ranking. The state also had one of the better well-being scores and a higher COVID-19 vaccination rate as of September. The state is a relatively more expensive place to live though, placing 44th in the cost of living metric.
9. Rhode IslandShobeir Ansari/Getty Images
Rhode Island is one state seeing large year-over-year job growth, ranking fourth in this metric among the states. The state also ranked fourth for its COVID-19 vaccination rate as of September. However, the Ocean State does have a relatively high cost of living, placing toward the bottom for this metric at 42.
8. NebraskaJohn Coletti/Getty Images
Nebraska had the lowest unemployment rate in August. The state's second best score among the seven metrics was for its cost of living, ranking at 17. Its lowest ranking among the seven metrics however was for its year-over-year job growth, where it placed toward the bottom of the rank at 44.
7. HawaiiPeter Unger/Getty Images
Hawaii had the largest year-over-year job growth according to's analysis of job data. The state also ranked high for its well-being, placing second in Sharecare's Community Well-Being Index of 2020 used to develop the ranking. However, it can be expensive to live in the state as the state had the highest cost of living.
6. MassachusettsBruce Yuanyue Bi/Getty Images
Among the seven metrics used to calculate the ranking, Massachusetts had the best well-being index from Sharecare's Community Well-Being Index of 2020 used in the ranking. The state also had the second largest median income. However, it can be expensive to live in the state compared to others, placing 47th for its cost of living.
5. MinnesotaWalter Bibikow/Getty Images
Minnesota's best metric among the seven used to calculate the overall score was for its unemployment rate, which ranked 12th. The state's median income is also relatively larger than others, ranking 13th. On the other hand, the state had a higher cost of living than many other states, placing 30th for this metric.
4. VermontWalter Bibikow/Getty Images
Vermont had the highest COVID-19 vaccination rate among the states according to September data used by BestColleges to come up with its ranking. The state also ranked second for its narrow gender pay gap and high job growth. However, it placed toward the bottom for its cost of living, placing at 41.
3. UtahDenisTangneyJr/Getty Images
Utah had the second lowest unemployment rate, according to August rates. The state also ranked 10th for both well-being, based on Sharecare's Community Well-Being Index of 2020, and for job growth. Utah's gender pay gap using 2019 earnings data is the largest among the states per the ranking, however.
2. New HampshireJohn Elk III/Getty Images
New Hampshire had the fifth lowest unemployment rate in August. The state also had a larger median income than other states, placing at eighth. However, the cost of living is relatively high, ranking at 37 for this metric.
1. GeorgiaTetra Images/Getty Images
Georgia had the sixth lowest cost of living and the ninth lowest unemployment rate, according to analysis. However, the state also had one of the lower COVID-19 vaccination rates, placing at 42 among the states for this metric based on September data.
Here's how and why BestColleges' came up with its latest rankingThe Great Resignation seems to not be ending soon as over 4 million workers quit their jobs in August, a record high. People are leaving for opportunities that pay more or in search of jobs offering better work-life balance.
Sometimes a career change isn't just a new job, but may also mean moving to a new state for a new opportunity. For those who don't mind if they have to move for their career switch, the new analysis from BestColleges may be a good list to review.
BestColleges puts together different kinds of college rankings and provides different resources for college students. It also has published different guides and lists about changing careers, such as jobs for teachers considering a change or how to know it's time to make a career switch.
As Americans continue to re-evaluate what they want from work and if it's time to say goodbye to their current positions, BestColleges decided to figure out what could be the best states for career changes.
"The team at wanted to assist individuals who might not know where to begin when considering a career shift coupled with a relocation," Jessica Bryant, education analyst for BestColleges, told Insider in an email.
To do this, BestColleges used seven metrics from different datasets that may be important to consider when relocating for a career change. Each metric was ranked and given a weight to calculate an overall score for each state. Median income and cost of living were given the largest weights. A lower overall score meant a higher rank and therefore a potentially better state for those looking to change careers.
The following are the seven metrics used by BestColleges and their weights in parentheses:
- Median income using 2019 data from the Census' American Community Survey (25%)
- Cost of living using data from the Council for Community and Economic Research's Cost of Living Index (25%)
- Job growth using year-over-year July data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (15%)
- Unemployment rate as of August 2021 from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (15%)
- Gender pay gap using 2019 earnings data from the Census' American Community Survey (10%)
- Well-being using Sharecare's 2020 Community Well-Being Index (5%)
- COVID-19 vaccination rate using September data from the Mayo Clinic (5%)
"We considered an endless list of metrics to include in our ranking, but ultimately settled on the seven factors most relevant for the current economic landscape," Bryant said. "Potential career switchers should know about the financial, employment, and social circumstances of an area they're considering moving to, and how those combined factors will impact their futures."
The above slides include information provided by BestColleges to Insider about where each state ranked for each of the seven metrics before they were weighted to calculate the overall score.
Based on the weighted scores, Georgia is the best state for career changers. The full analysis of how each state ranked for career change and more information about the data used can be found on BestColleges.
Read the original article on Business Insider'Big Short' investor Michael Burry teases a bet against crypto - and warns market speculation has reached historic levels
Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images
- Michael Burry is considering placing a wager against cryptocurrencies.
- "The Big Short" investor asked on Twitter how he could bet against the digital coins.
- Burry warned that market speculation has likely reached unprecedented levels.
Michael Burry, who made his name and fortune by betting against the housing bubble, has set his sights on a new target: cryptocurrencies.
"Ok, I haven't done this before, how do you short a cryptocurrency?" he said in a now-deleted tweet this week. "Do you have to secure a borrow? Is there a short rebate? Can the position be squeezed and called in?"
Burry, whose massive wager against subprime mortgages was immortalized in the book and the movie "The Big Short," emphasized that he was only considering taking a position against crypto.
"In such volatile situations, I tend to think it's best not to short, but I'm thinking out loud here," he tweeted.
The Scion Asset Management boss, who routinely deletes his tweets, recently locked his Twitter profile to new users. He cited the army of meme-stock and crypto zealots and bots commenting on his tweets to drum up interest.
"Crypto/Meme bots and pumpers reply to big accounts in huge numbers for the promotion," Burry tweeted. "Deleting tweets knocks it back. Going Private allows tools to discourage them."
"But it's breathtaking, this religion of real and fake people," he continued. "The speculation probably tops anything in history."
Burry has repeatedly criticized crypto this year. He's dismissed shiba inu coin as "pointless," ridiculed dogecoin's surging price, and warned bitcoin is a "speculative bubble" that's fueled by huge amounts of leverage and vulnerable to government crackdowns.
The fund manager also compared the excitement around bitcoin, meme stocks, and other popular assets to the mid-2000s housing boom and the dot-com bubble. He warned they've been "driven by speculative fervor to insane heights from which the fall will be dramatic and painful."
Besides his housing bet, Burry is known for investing in GameStop and inadvertently paving the way for the short squeeze on the stock in January, as well as the broader meme-stock frenzy this year. Notably, Burry's latest portfolio update showed he was betting against Elon Musk's Tesla and Cathie Wood's Ark Invest.
Read the original article on Business InsiderLeonardos Club busca aliados para impulsar la autenticidad y el desarrollo sostenible
“¡No sé a quién leer, ni a quién seguir! ¡No tengo confianza sobre la veracidad de lo que se dice o sobre qué pretende quien lo escribe! Recuerdo los años donde no se podía dudar de los autores pues tenían autoridad. ¡Vaya momento que nos ha tocado vivir! No le veo futuro”. Comentarios como estos llegaban a mí de forma reiterada. Había una necesidad de liderazgo de conocimiento y una falta de confianza en el futuro. Esto fue lo que me motivó a lanzar Leonardos Club en 2018, porque no podía ser que en el momento de mayor acceso a la información y al conocimiento la gente estuviera perdida.
De esta forma, y del mismo modo que en otros tiempos de la historia movimientos como el modernismo o la generación del 98 emergieron de un pequeño grupo para dar respuestas de futuro a distintos ámbitos, desde Leonardos Club hemos querido seguir el ejemplo de Da Vinci. Y lo hacemos inspirados en su figura, por su eterna curiosidad, su polimatía y su contribución a las distintas áreas por él exploradas.
Con esa idea creamos este club independiente, una organización distinta que apuesta por ofrecer soluciones desde la reflexión multidisciplinar y el conocimiento colectivo. Así, desde 2018 obtenemos propuestas reales de cambio (out-sights) sobre distintas temáticas de actualidad, que son plasmadas posteriormente en artículos y podcast que obtienen amplia difusión. Y las obtenemos a partir de un método científico de trabajo al que hemos denominado Focus Experto Polímata.
Consejo Asesor
Pero… ¿Quiénes formamos parte de Leonardos Club? Somos expertos reconocidos en nuestras áreas, somos CEO o personas de la alta dirección. Y nos caracterizamos por ser polímatas y por nuestro orgullo de pertenencia, de ahí que nos sintamos Leonardos más que miembros. Además, tenemos un Consejo Asesor que es el encargado de filtrar las nuevas incorporaciones, proteger la marca y dirigir los eventos que organizamos y se llevan a feliz término.
El Consejo Asesor está compuesto por mí, Elena Alfaro, fundadora del club, precursora de la FANScinology y CEO de EMO Insights International; Adolfo Ramírez, copromotor del club y creador del proyecto Vida Silver; Nelson Molero, secretario general del club y fundador de Bisocial; Luis Hidalgo, fundador de DeCV&Partners, y Carolina Gómez, CEO de Welcome to Marnie.
Respecto a las actividades que realizamos, por un lado organizamos sesiones clásicas, que tienen al menos carácter trimestral, donde cada temática es introducida por un invitado. Su riqueza está en que cada asistente es protagonista y tiene lugar una interesante interacción colectiva. Por otra parte se celebran sesiones de carácter lúdico a la par que formativo: talleres, presentación de libros y escritores, acciones de networking, etc. Permiten enriquecer las sesiones clásicas con capítulos complementarios.
En cuanto a las temáticas, el criterio de selección es lograr el máximo impacto en cuestiones clave y de actualidad referidas a los negocios, el humanismo, la digitalización o el diseño. De ellas se han obtenido propuestas de cambio tangibles para asuntos como la mediocridad, la cronopatía, la psicopatía empresarial, el futuro de la socialización o las oportunidades de negocio para el próximo año.
Un patrocinador pionero
Actualmente contamos ya como patrocinador con el Design Institute of Spain, una organización sin ánimo de lucro que lidera la cultura, la industria y las marcas del diseño español. Y en estos momentos tenemos como objetivo continuar creciendo. En consecuencia, buscamos otras empresas e instituciones aliadas que nos acompañen en este camino, alineadas con nuestra voluntad de fomentar el conocimiento. Organizaciones que aporten su granito de arena para hacer de este un mundo mejor. De hecho, se ha puesto especial foco en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). Alcanzar la igualdad entre las personas, proteger el planeta y garantizar la prosperidad son, sin duda alguna, objetivos totalmente alineados con el propósito de nuestro club.
Conviene señalar que ser sponsor de Leonardos Club transciende los beneficios en imagen y reputación clásicamente contenidos en un patrocinio, pues además buscamos que participen en los cambios que llevan a las organizaciones al éxito. ¿Cómo? Ofreciendo a la marca patrocinadora la involucración de quienes formamos parte del club en una sesión Focus Experto Polímata, en la que se trabaja la detección de insights y/o propuestas de cambio (out-sights) para la propia organización patrocinadora.
¡Te invito a conocernos e impulsar el espíritu Leonardos! Este es el momento.
Elena Alfaro, fundadora de Leonardos Club.
Elena Alfaro (en Twitter, @elena_alfaro) es la fundadora del Leonardos Club . Precursora del método FANScinology, es CEO de la firma EMO Insights International.
La entrada Leonardos Club busca aliados para impulsar la autenticidad y el desarrollo sostenible aparece primero en DiarioAbierto.
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Your thoughts on the pros/cons of the two?
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Jerry (.-.)
Alcanzar la independencia financiera
Por mera curiosidad, cuanto pagais por lo privado?, hace tiempo me ofrecieron hacerme socio, creo recordar que se pagaba una cuota al mes, y me imagino que luego por pruebas… no se
Películas relacionadas con la inversión
Igual debería plantearse ver la película como quien ve una comedia y no como quien ve una película trascendental.
El sentido del humor a veces ayuda precisamente a tener una mayor perspectiva de situaciones que se pueden dar. El hilo de los Vendehumos del Mercado Vendehumos en las redes precisamente haría inciso en un tomarse medio en broma medio en serio precisamente situaciones que lamentablemente nos encontramos en el mercado.
Que nuestro dinero termine en manos precisamente de personas con una escala dudosa de valores, lamentablemente no es algo maniqueo sino algo a lo que está expuesto cualquier persona que se plantee que hacer con su dinero. A veces cuando insistimos a alguien en las ventajas de invertir, no está de más advertirle precisamente de según que tipo de fauna que habita en el mundillo.
De la misma manera que sería un error grave generalizar con que todo el mundo es de esta forma, también lo sería no prevenir de que es fácil encontrarse con este tipo de personajes, especialmente en aquellos tipos de inversión que mejor han funcionado los últimos años. En bolsa, en immobiliario, en cryptomonedas , en productos bancarios complejos o en lo que sea.
Parece que los Rusos han dado un giro de 180° en el tema cripto.
De prohibirlo con penas de cárcel a aceptarlo.