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Iron gate armory - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 22:46
Last reply by porkchopexpress on Thu, 14 Oct 2021 20:46:22 +0000

Herb Greenberg On GoodRx; Stability In SPACs - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 22:45

Whitney Tilson’s email to investors discussing some investors find stability in SPACs; Herb Greenberg on CNBC on Goodrx Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:GDRX); how Mark Zuckerberg’s stranglehold on Facebook, Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) could put the company at risk; more on Munger investing in apartment buildings.

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Get The Full Series in PDF

Get the entire 10-part series on Charlie Munger in PDF. Save it to your desktop, read it on your tablet, or email to your colleagues.

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Q3 2021 hedge fund letters, conferences and more

Some Investors Find Stability In SPACs

1) Following up on yesterday's e-mail, in which I mentioned the latest issue of my colleague Enrique Abeyta's Empire SPAC Investor (click here to find out how to gain risk-free access), this Wall Street Journal article highlights how out-of-favor the sector is, which to me is a very bullish sign: Some Investors Find Stability in SPACs. Excerpt:

As of Friday, the common shares of 452 of 469 SPACs [special purpose acquisition companies] looking for a target traded below their trust value, according to SPAC Informer, an analytics site started by Mr. [David] Sherman. Among all SPACs looking for a target, the combined trust value of $135 billion, the weighted average yield to liquidation was 1.71% and the weighted average maturity was 1.3 years. Just over a hundred SPACs offered a yield of at least 2.25%.

Here's another bullish sign: The amount of money being raised by new SPACs is down by 85% in the past six months relative to the peak in February and March:

Herb Greenberg On CNBC On GoodRx

2) My newest colleague, Herb Greenberg, was on CNBC's Fast Money on Tuesday to share why we're bullish on GoodRx (GDRX), which Enrique recommended in his Empire Elite Growth newsletter on May 26. The stock is up 15% since then... and Enrique thinks big upside is still ahead.

You can watch Herb here, and Empire Elite Growth subscribers can click here to read Enrique's write-up on GoodRx. (If you aren't a subscriber, you can find out how to gain access here.)

How Mark Zuckerberg's Stranglehold On Facebook Could Put The Company At Risk

3) I was quoted in this Business Insider article about Facebook (FB) yesterday: 'The most powerful person who's ever walked the face of the earth': How Mark Zuckerberg's stranglehold on Facebook could put the company at risk. Excerpt:

Experts told Insider that there is cause for concern around one person having control over a controversial family of platforms that affect hundreds of millions of people.

"I don't think it's a stretch to argue that Mark Zuckerberg is the most powerful person who's ever walked the face of the earth, and I think that kind of power being held by one person is generally a bad idea," Whitney Tilson, a former hedge fund manager and CEO of Empire Financial Research, told Insider...

More On Munger Investing In Apartment Buildings

4) Following up on my recent e-mail about investing legend Charlie Munger buying apartment buildings, a friend wrote:

We have been investing lately in multifamily housing with a very smart young man I have known for 20 years. Why?

  • Tax-deferred income (25% on income when you do pay – 22% tax rate on total return)
  • Great inflation hedge (rents reset every 12 months; long-term hard asset financed by long-term fixed-rate debt – best inflation hedge in the world)
  • High current income (difficult to come by these days)

My friend buys in underinvested secondary markets from mom-and-pop operators and generates 55% of his returns from simply managing the properties better.

Best regards,


P.S. I welcome your feedback at

Updated on Oct 14, 2021, 4:45 pm

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Coinbase wants Congress to create a special regulator to oversee the crypto market

businessinsider - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 22:45
  • Coinbase wants a special regulator to oversee cryptocurrency markets.
  • The biggest crypto exchange in the US proposed the idea in a regulatory framework released on Thursday.
  • Coinbase argued that it shouldn't be regulated by the SEC or CFTC, but instead a single designated entity.

Coinbase has suggested Congress create a special regulator just for cryptocurrency markets, according to a new proposal.

"To avoid fragmented and inconsistent regulatory oversight of these unique and concurrent innovations, responsibility over digital asset markets should be assigned to a single federal regulator," Coinbase said in its "Digital Asset Policy Proposal: Safeguarding America's Financial Leadership" released Wednesday.

Coinbase - the cryptocurrency exchange that went public in August - said a single federal regulator should be in charge of oversight. That would mean jurisdiction would rest outside entities like the SEC or CFTC. In addition, the company wants Congress to create a self-regulatory organization in order to "strengthen the oversight regime."

The two would create rules dealing with a range of crypto topics such as digital asset trading, transfer, custody, clearing, settlement, money payment, staking, borrowing and lending, and related incidental services, the company said in its policy proposal.

"This two-tier regulatory structure will ensure efficient and streamlined regulation and oversight, and evolve elements of the existing frameworks to meet the requirements of our new technologically-driven financial system," Coinbase said.

The policy proposal comes as the government has struggled with how to approach a regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies. And some big investors have stayed away from the asset class as they await more clarity from the government.

"Regulatory certainty in the United States is urgently needed to maintain our leadership in responsible financial innovation," Michael Piwowar, executive director of the Milken Institute Center for Financial Markets and former Commissioner and acting chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, said in an email.

Read the original article on Business Insider

Caser lanza Autohelp, un seguro que detecta accidentes por Inteligencia Artificial

Diario Abierto - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 22:44

Caser (Grupo Helvetia) lanza ‘Caser Autohelp’, una nueva solución aseguradora que se incorpora a todos los seguros de coche de la compañía, capaz de detectar automáticamente si se ha producido un accidente y contactar inmediatamente con el 112, para que una ambulancia llegue cuanto antes a la localización exacta donde está el vehículo.

Se trata de un dispositivo de seguridad vial, vinculado automáticamente con el móvil que, con algoritmos de inteligencia artificial, detecta un accidente y activa el aviso de rescate.

Para su instalación, muy sencilla y a través del móvil, no es necesario acudir a un taller.

Una vez que Caser Autohelp detecta la incidencia, contacta con el 112, al que da la localización exacta, para que la ambulancia llegue cuanto antes. Y todo sin que el asegurado tenga que hacer nada.

Funciona 24 horas al día, los siete días de la semana y asegura el rescate en toda España, independientemente del tipo de vía o ubicación en la que se encuentre el coche del asegurado.

Por otro lado, con esta funcionalidad la privacidad está asegurada, dado que el sistema de localización se activa sólo en el momento del accidente que, es detectado gracias a un sistema de inteligencia artificial.

Caser se convierte así en la primera compañía que incluye en todos sus seguros de Automóviles – Todo riesgo, Terceros ampliado, y Terceros-  un servicio que detecta el accidente aplicando inteligencia artificial.

“Queremos un seguro que marque la diferencia. Cuando se produce un accidente, cada segundo cuenta” ha señalado Agustín Matey, director de Clientes y Productos de Caser. “No se nos ocurre mejor ayuda para nuestros asegurados que facilitar la ayuda que no pueden pedir”, añade.

Con esta nueva solución aseguradora, la compañía busca mejorar la seguridad vial y dar un plus de tranquilidad a todos sus asegurados. Caser ya recibió un premio al mejor producto que aúna tecnología e innovación para salvar vidas en carretera, con Caser ReMoto, en los premios Gartner Eye on Innovation Award.


La entrada Caser lanza Autohelp, un seguro que detecta accidentes por Inteligencia Artificial aparece primero en DiarioAbierto.

Citigroup Profit Jumps 48% After Releasing Rainy-Day Funds

The Wall Street Journal Markets - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 22:43
The bank, which reported a third-quarter profit of $4.64 billion, freed up $1.16 billion it had set aside for bad loans early in the pandemic. The quarterly result beat analyst expectations.

España liberó América, no la conquistó - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 22:41

Me guardo mi opinión acerca de este post.

Prefiero recomendarles este libro, para quien quiera profundizar acerca de (algunas) las razones de por qué las primeras sociedades avanzadas surgieron en determinadas regiones geográficas y no en otras, aumentando sus propabilidades de tener un mayor desarrollo tecnológico y social, en comparación con otros imperios que surgieron posteriormente en otras geografías y que acabaron siendo conquistados y sometidos. Armas, gérmenes y acero: Breve historia de la humanidad en los últimos trece mil...

Armas, gérmenes y acero: Breve historia de la humanidad en los últimos trece mil años (Ensayo | Ciencia) : Diamond, Jared, Fabián Chueca;: Libros

Pedro Sánchez confirma que las eléctricas que no incorporen "sobrebeneficios" se librarán de los recortes

Expansion economia - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 22:39
El presidente del Gobierno, Pedro Sánchez, ha confirmado que a las eléctricas que firmen contratos con la industria que no incluyan los "sobrebeneficios" como consecuencia del alza de las materias primas no se les aplicarán los recortes de los conocidos como 'beneficios caídos del cielo', que se recogen en el decreto aprobado este jueves por el Congreso. Leer

The best cookbooks to gift or buy for yourself in 2021

businessinsider - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 22:37

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To me, there's no better gift to give or receive than a great cookbook. A cookbook with beautiful photos, thoughtful narratives, and foolproof recipes can feed the imagination, transport your giftee to another city or country, and inspire them to get creative in the kitchen. There are cookbooks out there to suit every type of cook, whether novice or expert, and feed all interests - from TV show cookbooks to comprehensive tomes on the science of cooking.

Every year, hundreds of new cookbooks make their way onto bookstore shelves. Here are our favorite cookbooks, new and old, to gift this year.

Here are 32 of the best cookbooks gifts for every type of cook: For the locavore

"New Native Kitchen" by Freddie Bitsoie and James O. Fraioli, available for pre-order at Amazon, $40  

Before other cultures and their cuisines came to North America, indigenous people were cooking meals with accessible ingredients. In the "New Native Kitchen," to be released in November of 2021, Freddie Bitsoie and James O. Fraioli explore American Indian recipes from coast to coast, like Chocolate Bison Chili and Prickly Pear Sweet Pork Chops. Bitsoie was the executive chef of Mitsitam Native Foods Café at the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian and is a member of the Navajo nation, and Chef James O. Fraioli is a James Beard Award winner.

For the the vegan

"The Korean Vegan Cookbook" by Joanne Lee Molinaro, available on Amazon, $24.77

Becoming vegan was a big change for Joanne Lee Molinaro, having grown up with meat-based Korean food. However, it didn't stop her from collecting recipes and recreating the dishes that were so connected to her family history. For Molinaro, the stories of her family's immigration from North Korea to the United States are just as important as the recipes. Molinaro recreates childhood memories, like Jjajangmyeon, Korean-Chinese black bean noodles, and writes new recipes, like the Chocolate Sweet Potato Cake, in honor of the foods that saved her mother's life. 


For the no-fuss foodie

"Cooking at Home: Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Recipes (And Love My Microwave)" by David Chang and Priya Krishna, available for pre-order at Amazon, $25

You won't find frozen vegetables in Momfuko, but that doesn't mean David Chang has anything against them. In this new book, available on October 26, Chang and co-author, Priya Krishna, explain how they use fine dining principles to make fast, easy, and unpretentious meals at home. For the home cook, it seems like the professional chef can take any ingredients and produce a full, delicious meal. In "Cooking at Home," Chang and Krishna teach you how to do just that. 



For the traveler interested in culture and cuisine

"Cook Real Hawai'i" by Sheldon Simeon, available at Amazon, $24.95

A finalist in two different seasons of "Top Chef," Sheldon Simeon co-authored a cookbook with Garrett Snyder, transporting readers to the tropical islands of Hawaii. The book dives into stories of Simeon's family, as well as the state's history and cultural traditions. With 100 recipes throughout the book, this personalized guide to Hawaiian cooking has something for beginners and advanced cooks.

For the friend who cooks with the seasons

"My Shanghai" by Betty Liu, available on Amazon, $31.79

This debut cookbook from Betty Liu (who somehow found the time to author it amid her general surgery residency) is an homage to seasonal cooking and her family's roots in the Chinese regions of Shanghai, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang. I picked up this cookbook up in my local bookstore and couldn't put it down (and ended up bringing it home with me). The chapters are organized by season and explain the influence the weather, holidays, and traditions have on the recipes prepared throughout the year. I love the stories Liu relates about the inspirations behind her recipes, like climbing a mountain to eat Double-Mushroom Noodle Soup at a temple, foraging spring bamboo shoots for Oil-Braised Spring Bamboo, and the bowls of breakfast noodles her father would make her before test days. I've already made the Shanghai Stir-Fried Rice Cakes four or five times, and I can't wait to dive into more of the recipes as the seasons progress. 

For the cook who wants to master their grill

"Rodney Scott's World of Barbecue" by Rodney Scott and Lolis Eric Elie, available on Amazon, $17.77

My best friend (and fellow cookbook collector) recently texted me raving about this cookbook and the genius of Rodney Scott's Loaded Pork Skin "Nachos," Pit-Smoked Turkey, and whole-hog approach to Carolina barbecue. Scott's positivity and passion shine throughout the book, and you'll learn lots about southern foodways and the history of Carolina barbecue along the way.  

For the parent planning their next trip

"Dishoom" by Shamil Thakrar, available on Amazon, $17.29

Whether it's London or Bombay that is your giftee's next destination, "Dishoom" is required reading before they jet off. The popular Dishoom restaurants in London are inspired by the Irani cafes of Bombay and serve "tipples," snacks, and mains like Mango Kulfi, Pav Bhaji, and Roomali Roti. In "Dishoom," you'll learn to cook the restaurant's entire menu, and be taken on a tour of Bombay's cafes (complete with a map) along the way. 

For the coworker who has *opinions* on babka

"Jew-ish" by Jake Cohen, available at Amazon, $15.79

At Insider Reviews we have lots of opinions, especially about food, and a recent debate centered around the merits of cinnamon versus chocolate fillings for babka. I like Jake Cohen's philosophy in "Jew-ish," which is that babka is delicious no matter what you fill it with. "Jew-ish" is a thoughtful collection of recipes centered around Cohen's Ashkenazi heritage, his own self-discovery in the kitchen, and the Persian-Iraqi traditions of his husband. Cohen celebrates the origins of Jewish dishes, while also putting his own twist on the classics. You'll see this in action in his recipes for Cacio e Pepe Rugelach, Black and White Chocolate Chip Cookies, and yes, You Can Go Your Own Way: Babka Edition.

For the family member intimidated by their new Instant Pot

"The Step-by-Step Instant Pot Cookbook" by Jeffrey Eisner, available at Amazon, $10.78

Insider Reviews reporter, James Brains, is currently testing Instant Pots and other multicookers for an update to our guide to the best electric pressure cookers. He's been using recipes from this cookbook and reports that they're easy to follow, have plenty of photos, and are delicious to boot. The book features more than 750 photos detailing step-by-step how to make the 100+ recipes, and makes a great gift for anyone who is curious about Instant Pots but hasn't taken the plunge yet.

For the history buff

"Jubilee" by Toni Tipton-Martin, available on Amazon, $20.07

Toni Tipton-Martin's personal collection of African-American cookbooks spans more than 400 titles and her knowledge of American food history is on full display in "Jubilee." Through recipes and stories, she relates the history of Black folks who shaped American cuisine into what it is today, from those who cooked under the confines of brutal enslavement to the chefs who ran White House kitchens. "Jubilee" is a masterful work of American history, as told through food.

For the person who loves pie but fears making it

"Pie Academy" by Ken Haedrich, available on Amazon, $17.99

A compendium of 255 pie recipes, "Pie Academy" is likely the last pie cookbook you'll ever need. It has nearly a dozen recipes for different types of pie crust, a troubleshooting section for when things don't go as expected, and chapters organized by seasonality and filling type. It's guaranteed to be a hit with the pie lover in your life, especially one who is interested in making pies but has always found them a bit daunting. 

For the home cook that also loves to read

"Black, White, and The Grey" by Mashama Bailey and John O. Morisano, available on Amazon, $15.69

While not a cookbook, "Black, White, and The Grey," tells the story of one of the most celebrated restaurants in America: The Grey in Savannah, Georgia. Mashama Bailey, who is Black, and John O. Morisano, who is white, relate the story of how they turned a dilapidated formerly segregated Greyhound bus station into an award-winning restaurant. The dual memoir touches on race, community, and friendship, with some delicious food anecdotes along the way.

For the friend who wants to master the essentials

"My Korea" by Hooni Kim, available on Amazon, $21.99

Michelin-starred chef Hooni Kim's debut cookbook is a crash course in the essentials of Korean cuisine. The book's tagline is "traditional flavors, modern recipes," and that is an accurate summation of what you can expect to find in this cookbook — from Dolsot Bibimbap to Budae Jjigae to Hanjan's Spicy Rice Cakes. When I first laid my hands on this cookbook, I wanted to make (and eat) every single recipe. If you're looking for some solid foundation recipes, "My Korea" delivers.

For the friend who knows all the words to "Lady Marmalade"

"LaBelle Cuisine: Recipes to Sing About" by Patti LaBelle, available at Amazon, $20.99

Patti LaBelle is not only the Godmother of Soul and a musical icon, but she is also a New York Times bestselling author for her cookbooks. Her newest cookbook, "Labelle Cuisine: Recipes to Sing About," has recipes centered around LaBelle's family's Southern roots. With comfort-food favorites like potato salad and peach cobbler, she showcases a variety of her recipes that are full of personal touches. 

For the person with quarantine cooking fatigue

"Indian-ish" by Priya Krishna, available on Amazon, $18.29

In her debut cookbook, Priya Krishna (contributor to Bon Appetit, New York Times, and others) offers up beloved favorite recipes from her Indian-American family, including Tomato Rice with Crispy Cheddar, Malaysian Ramen, and what her dad calls Indian Gatorade (Shikanji). The recipes are largely vegetarian, creative, fun, comforting, and guaranteed to inspire anyone who feels stuck in a rut with their cooking in 2021. 

For the cook always on the go

'The Full Plate" by Ayesha Curry, available on Amazon, $15

Ayesha Curry and her husband, basketball star Stephen Curry, have three children and busy schedules. She created her newest cookbook with her energetic household in mind, and it features 100 recipes that take under an hour to make. "The Full Plate" is perfect for anyone who wants to spend less time cooking while still ending up with delicious meals.  

For the person who can't get enough of Disney

"The Unofficial Disney Parks Cookbook" by Ashley Craft, available on Amazon, $11.99

Technically unofficial, this cookbook will transport you directly into Disneyland. You can replicate a variety of food found in Disney theme parks. It features 100 recipes of iconic Disneyland treats and snacks, including the famous Dole whip, beignets, and more. 

For the person who spent 2020 mastering sourdough

"New World Sourdough" by Bryan Ford, available on Amazon, $14.77

This was the year of the sourdough starter, and few people are as well-versed in fermented breads as Bryan Ford, blogger and baker. We're not just talking about your classic sourdough boule; Ford is well-known for demonstrating the breadth of what you can do with a sourdough starter: from Sourdough Pan de Coco to Sourdough Discard Battered Fried Chicken.

For the cousin who's just learning to cook

"Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat" by Samin Nosrat, available on Amazon, $16.67

In this beautifully illustrated cookbook, chef and New York Times columnist Samin Nosrat outlines the foundations of cooking, from when to salt your chicken to how to make the perfect focaccia. All the information is presented in a fun, engaging way alongside original illustrations you'll want to frame and hang in your kitchen.

For your family member who loves "Emily in Paris"

"La Buvette" by Camille Fourmont and Kate Leahy, available on Amazon, $14.25

"La Buvette" is part cookbook, part guide to French living. Interspersed with recipes from the cookbook's namesake cafe are beautiful pictures of Paris, tips about shopping in France's vintage markets, and instructions on how to dry flowers. The cookbook is a lovely escape into Parisian living, perfect for any Francophile dreaming of a visit to the City of Lights. 

For your friend who knows all the best restaurants

"Xi'an Famous Foods" by Jason Wang, available on Amazon, $22.51

Xi'an Famous Foods started as a small family-owned market stall in the Flushing neighborhood of Queens. Its hand-pulled cumin lamb noodles have become so loved that there are now 14 locations all around New York City. In this cookbook, the son of the family and CEO of the business Jason Wang divulges some of the recipes that made his family business famous, as well as other classic dishes from Xi'an in western China.

For the fan of the 'Great British Baking Show'

"Baking with Kim-Joy" by Kim-Joy, available on Amazon, $14.89

Contestants of the Great British Baking Show have come out with several cookbooks, including series nine runner-up Kim-Joy. She is best known for her adorable and creative bakes, like her giant chocolate planet filled with "space turtles," or her "Silke the vegetarian mermaid" pie. Kim-Joy brings the same color and fun to her bakes in her debut cookbook, which includes Pigfiteroles in Mud, Tazhong Cat Buns, and a version of her Space Turtle Cake. 

For the person experimenting with a plant-based lifestyle this year

"Vegetable Kingdom" by Bryant Terry, available on Amazon, $17.39

James Beard Award-winning chef and food activist Bryant Terry offers 150 vegan recipes in his most recent cookbook. Instead of trying to imitate meaty dishes, Terry's book celebrates the vegetable and all its parts: skin, husk, flowers, roots, and all. You'll find recipes for Pea Shoot and Peanut Salad, Grilled Spring Onions with Lemon-Thyme Oil, Cornmeal-Fried Oyster Mushroom Po'Boys, and more. A special hallmark of Terry's books is that they often contain a playlist to listen to while you're cooking, and "Vegetable Kingdom" is no different, featuring recommended tracks by Duke Ellington, Santana, Björk, and more.

For the friend who likes to Instagram all their food

"Ottolenghi Flavor" by Yotam Ottolenghi, available on Amazon, $23.39

Yotam Ottolenghi is owner and chef of some of London's most beloved cafes and restaurants. His recipes are some of the most colorful and beautiful out there, and his latest cookbook is no exception. "Flavor" is filled with mostly vegetarian recipes that not only pack a punch visually but flavor-wise, too. Ottolenghi and his co-authors expound the building blocks of flavor in three sections: process, pairing, and produce. The result is more than 100 'gram-worthy recipes from Spicy Mushroom Lasagna to Iceberg Wedges with Smoky Eggplant Cream.

For the hummus lover

"Falastin" by Sami Tamimi, available on Amazon, $31.50

Longtime Ottolenghi collaborator (and co-author of "Jerusalem," another of our cookbook picks), Sam Tamimi, crafted his latest cookbook as an homage to Palestinian food. The book is rich in recipes, from multiple variations of shakshuka and hummus, to verdant salads, and colorful dips. Along the way, Tamimi tells the culinary history of Palestinian food — from the home cooks feeding their neighbors in refugee camps to the restaurateurs cooking for tourists in Bethlehem.

For the person who recently moved

"Molly on the Range: Recipes and Stories from An Unlikely Life on a Farm" by Molly Yeh, available on Amazon, $24.25

Molly Yeh is the star of Food Network's "Girl Meets Farm" and winner of the Judges' Choice IACP Cookbook Award. "Molly on the Range" explores home, family, her Jewish and Chinese heritage, and Yeh's Midwestern farm life. You'll find recipes for Sufganiyot, Chicken Potstickers, Challah Waffles, and more.

For the pint-sized cook in your life

"The Complete Cookbook for Young Chefs" by America's Test Kitchen, available on Amazon, $11.49

I worked for America's Test Kitchen (ATK) for seven years and was privy to the care its team puts into each and every one of its cookbooks. ATK's series of cookbooks for kids is the epitome of that detail and care; every one of the recipes in this volume was tested by pro chefs and kid cooks. The recipes are specifically designed with kids in mind, outlining when to get an adult for help with handling hot ingredients or sharp tools. This is the book I wish was available to me when I was a child, and I've gifted it and the kid's baking book to every kid I know. I love getting reports from their parents about a new recipe they cooked or discovered.

For the person always posting pictures of their cheese board

"Platters and Boards: Beautiful, Casual Spreads for Every Occasion" by Shelley Westerhausen, available on Amazon, $15.38

In her best-selling cookbook, author and food blogger Shelley Westerhausen shares 40 casual yet chic spreads (complete with meat and drink pairings) that anyone can make and enjoy. It's also a visual cornucopia that's just as satisfying to flip through as to use when hosting get-togethers when it's safe to do so. And if you're looking for a board of your own, we recommend any of these five options

For the self-described dessert person

"Dessert Person" by Claire Saffitz, available on Amazon, $22.24

Claire Saffitz may be known for her wildly popular Gourmet Makes series on YouTube, but she's a pastry chef at heart and her affinity for baked goods is out in full force with her new cookbook "Dessert Person." In this cookbook, you can find creative recipes for Babkallah (a babka-Challah mashup), Apple and Concord Grape Crumble Pie, Strawberry-Cornmeal Layer Cake, and Malted Forever Brownies. It's sure to please the dessert lover in your life.

For the person who had to cancel their vacation last year

"Pasta Grannies" by Vicky Bennison, available on Amazon, $18.99

Each episode of the "Pasta Grannies" YouTube series is an escape to a different region of Italy, where local grannies (or nonne) teach the audience to prepare and cook a regional dish — from classics like Spaghetti alla Carbonara to a pasta shape from Sardinia only three women know how to make. This cookbook takes some of the most popular videos from the series and turns them into tangible recipes you can cook at home. Between watching the video and cooking from the book, you can transport yourself to a little corner of Italy without leaving your home.

For the person homesick for their grandma's cooking

"In Bibi's Kitchen" by Hawa Hassan, available on Amazon, $18.69

This cookbook centers around grandmothers (or bibis) from eight south and east African countries. Throughout the book, we get to know the women whose recipes are featured and learn about their personal history and the history of their country. Along the way, you'll find recipes for Eritrean Doro Wat, Tanzanian Date Bread, Kenyan Kachumbari, and more. It's the kind of cookbook that makes think about your grandmother.

For the person who lives by a cookie-a-day philosophy

"100 Cookies" by Sarah Keiffer, available on Amazon, $20.76

A good ol' chocolate chip cookie never goes out of style, but if you have a cookie lover in your life, consider gifting them this homage to baked goods. You'll find recipes for the classics (including four different variations of chocolate chip cookies) as well cookies you've probably never had before, like Banana-Espresso-Cacao Nib cookies.

Read the original article on Business Insider

Wells Fargo Profit Rises 59% on Reserve Release

The Wall Street Journal Markets - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 22:37
The bank’s quarterly profit beat analyst expectations, lifted by a release of funds it had set aside for potential loan losses during the pandemic, but revenue fell 2%.

Morgan Stanley Profit Rises, Powered by Deal Making, Trading

The Wall Street Journal Markets - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 22:37
The New York bank said third-quarter profit rose 36%.

Advice sought re: 3D printer purchase - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 22:35

Looking at getting myself one of these gizmos.

One problem is that this is a Linux house - - - - haven't run M$ stuff in years!

Second I was thinking of trying to get something a bit bigger than the 250 x 250 x 200 envelope.
Seems that the bigger models get really expensive in freight.

Hoping you guys have some ideas.
(Maybe better to start with a smaller model?, way to get in Canuckistan w/o breaking the bank!!! (Important!!!!!!!!) - - - anything else)

Anyone roll their...

Advice sought re: 3D printer purchase

DKV ficha a Affor Health para cuidar la salud mental y emocional de los trabajadores

Diario Abierto - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 22:35

DKV Seguros y Affor Health, partner especializado en bienestar psicosocial, se unen para ofrecer a los clientes de la aseguradora herramientas y campañas psicoeducativas que contribuyan al cuidado de la salud psicológica de las personas en las organizaciones.

Los clientes de Affor Health que apuesten por DKV como proveedor de salud podrán beneficiarse de incorporar, sin coste el Programa de Ayuda al Empleado (PAE), por el que la empresa podrá evaluar los riesgos psicosociales de la plantilla e identificar áreas de intervención.

La pandemia ha puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de promover programas de protección y acompañamiento psicológico a los empleados para sensibilizar sobre la importancia de cuidar la salud psicológica y prevenir los riesgos psicosociales.

Un estudio elaborado por Affor Health sobre el impacto de la COVID-19 en la salud psicológica de los trabajadores en España muestra que el 42% de la población presenta síntomas de ansiedad, y el 27,3% siente que su salud ha empeorado.

En España, solo el estrés laboral provoca casi el 30% de las bajas laborales. Además, las incapacidades temporales por este motivo implican, de media, 83 días de baja, según el Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social.

La alianza entre DKV y Affor permitirá generar un impacto positivo a la hora de gestionar y prevenir la aparición de riesgos psicosociales en las organizaciones, promoviendo entornos de trabajo más saludables.

Affor Health cuenta con un Hub Internacional de Psicología digital que ofrece servicio 24/7 a través de una plataforma multicanal que permite configurar a medida herramientas como el Programa de Ayuda al Empleado (PAE), diseñado para cuidar la salud psicológica de los trabajadores al mismo tiempo que facilita a las empresas un termómetro continuo de factores de riesgo psicosocial.

Un servicio online con profesionales de la psicología in house que será el responsable de facilitar recursos de apoyo para el cuidado de la salud emocional de los trabajadores en: gestión del estrés, resolución de conflictos, manejo de la ansiedad, técnicas de relajación, desarrollo de habilidades directivas, etc. en diferentes formatos entre los que se incluyen podcasts, talleres online, vídeos y microlearnings.

“Las herramientas que proporciona nuestro PAE, como las campañas psicoeducativas con recursos audiovisuales o los webinars sobre temáticas concretas en gestión emocional, suponen siempre una ayuda para mejorar el bienestar porque orientan, ayudan y acompañan en la resolución de todo tipo de dificultades a los empleados. No es necesario que exista una situación crítica o conflictiva en la empresa para beneficiarse del PAE, es un refuerzo positivo para los trabajadores en cualquier escenario”, destaca Anabel Fernández, CEO de Affor Health.

Javier Margalet, Responsable de Grandes Cuentas y Administraciones Públicas, destaca que “en DKV llevamos años priorizando el cuidado de la salud emocional de los trabajadores y con la llegada de la pandemia hemos continuado apostando por la mejora del bienestar emocional con iniciativas innovadoras dando soluciones a las necesidades de las empresas”. “Este acuerdo con Affor Health, entidad líder en prevención psicosocial, supone un paso muy importante al ofrecer herramientas que protegen la salud psicológica de los empleados”, subraya.

La entrada DKV ficha a Affor Health para cuidar la salud mental y emocional de los trabajadores aparece primero en DiarioAbierto.

Bank of America Profit Rises on Higher Interest Income

The Wall Street Journal Markets - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 22:35
The second-largest U.S. bank earned $7.69 billion in the third quarter, as it benefited from a rebound in net interest income. The quarterly result topped analysts’ expectations.

GGK Kopis - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 22:34
Last reply by Eric Bergeron on Thu, 14 Oct 2021 20:34:11 +0000

Moderna Booster Shot Backed by FDA Advisory Panel

The Wall Street Journal Business - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 22:34
Vaccine experts advising the Food and Drug Administration voted, 19-0, to recommend authorization of an extra dose of Moderna’s Covid-19 shot, a key step in making booster doses available to millions more people.


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