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A Little-Known 'Back Door' Trick for Boosting Your Roth Contributions
Mostly finished model gas engine for sale.
Mostly finished model gas engine for sale.
Acerinox y dos valores más que han perforado resistencias o soportes este viernes
Acerinox sube con fuerza y consigue perforar la resistencia del corto plazo que presenta en los 10,595 euros. A corto plazo es muy probable que veamos un ataque a los máximos del hueco bajista que se dejara el pasado mes de junio en los 10,82 euros.
Importantes ganancias del 2,79% en Inmobiliaria Colonial que ha conseguido perforar la resistencia de los 9,04 euros. Su aspecto técnico es muy bueno y todo parece indicarnos que podríamos ver una extensión de las ganancias hasta el nivel de los 9,60 euros, máximos anuales.
Talgo complica su aspecto técnico tras ceder, este viernes, un 3,66%. La compañía abandona el soporte de los 4,60 euros y parece muy probable que podamos ver una extensión de las caídas hasta el nivel de los 4,20 euros.
Scholz (Alemania), en el G-20: el pacto sobre la reforma fiscal global llegará "muy pronto"
"Llegaremos a un consenso aquí, en el G-20, cuando las 20 naciones estén de acuerdo con la misma idea de tener una fiscalidad mínima global internacional", ha aseverado el político alemán, añadiendo que "este es un proceso que terminará pronto".
La fiscalidad está en el punto de mira este fin de semana en la cumbre de las 20 economías más avanzadas del mundo que se está celebrando en Venecia (Italia). El objetivo es alcanzar un acuerdo que obligue a las grandes empresas multinacionales a pagar más impuestos, evitando su deslocalización en países con tipos impositivos menores.
Noticia relacionada La OCDE pacta la reforma fiscal internacional con un tipo mínimo del 15% para empresasEste encuentro se produce después de que 130 países alcanzaran un pacto en el marco de la última reunión de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE) el pasado 1 de julio a este respecto.
En estos acuerdos ha influido la llegada de Joe Biden a la presidencia de Estados Unidos, que ha presionado para que se alcance un Impuesto de Sociedades global para hacer frente al impacto económico de la pandemia, al tiempo que se abordan las desigualdades.
″El cambio de la administración estadounidense ha supuesto un gran avance en esta materia y confío realmente en que tendremos el acuerdo que necesitamos alcanzar en este momento aquí en Venecia", ha dicho Nadia Calviño, ministra de Economía de España.
Noticia relacionada Las disputas legales dificultan la aplicación del acuerdo fiscal global en la Unión EuropeaPese a ello, aún hay unos cuantos países que no lo ven claro, como es el caso de Irlanda y Hungría. Scholz se ha mostrado confiado sobre el avance de las negociaciones con estos estados, pero no ha ofrecido detalles concretos.
Otro punto de fricción es el plan que tiene la Comisión Europea, con la intención de sacar adelante un canon digital que afectaría, principalmente, a las empresas tecnológicas estadounidenses. Bruselas ha afirmado que sería complementario al Impuesto de Sociedades global, pero a EEUU le preocupa que estas intenciones terminen por descarrilar el proceso.
Francia dice ahora que "no hay razón" para que sus ciudadanos anulen las vacaciones en España
the Snow a tandem,double acting engine
plans by Doug Kelley
A humbling week for bond bears
Short handle for TS blade angle
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U.S. Job Vacancies Hit a Record 9.2 Million, Yet Americans Not Filling Them
The Labor Department’s Vacancy and Job Rotation Survey showed that Job offers in the U.S. posted their biggest increase in 10 months to a new record in May. However, job posters are facing persistent hiring difficulties.
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A New Job DynamicThe number of available positions rose to 9.21 million from the 9.19 million in April. Also, the number of people who voluntarily quit their jobs dropped to 3.6 million in May, a quit rate drop to 2.5%.
The availability of vaccines and the reopening have caused a setback in economic activity in recent months, but consumer demand has outpaced companies' ability to hire staff. In a race to increase headcount, many companies have started raising salaries and offering incentives such as hiring bonuses to attract applicants.
At the same time, the figures highlight a high number of Americans who quit their jobs to seek new opportunities. Whether they are looking for more flexible hours, a raise, or the ability to work remotely, the number of resignations suggests that workers are confident in their ability to find another job.
As informed by the Wall Street Journal, matching laid-off workers to jobs is becoming a tough, sluggish task, “unlike the swift and decisive layoffs that followed the initial phase of the pandemic in early 2020.”
Fatigue and BurnoutThe paradox does well in explaining why companies are finding it hard to land candidates so early in a recovery. But further, it explains why salary offers are rising hastily even with an unemployment rate of 5.9% in June –well above the pre-pandemic rate of 3.5%.
“The relatively high unemployment rate suggests an excess of labor supply which in theory should keep wages low.”
According to a survey by job search site, nearly 95% of U.S. employees are considering quitting their jobs due to accumulated exhaustion. Further, over 30% pointed to burnout as the main cause of changing jobs.
“Burnout represents one of the most serious threats for companies that do not recognize the rest needs of their employees.”
Despite the weakening job market outlook amid COVID-19, nearly two-thirds believe that there is a wide variety of job offers in the US. However, only 11% believe that it is not a good time to look for another job.
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Vaccine Stocks Already Got Their Booster
El Ibex busca cubrir el hueco bajista que se dejara este jueves
Rebote en el Ibex 35 que termina el viernes con unas ganancias del 1,46%. El selectivo consigue cerrar por encima de los máximos del jueves y parece muy probable que podamos ver como termina cubriendo el gap bajista que se dejara la sesión de ayer en los 8.854 puntos. Para ver una señal de fortaleza deberíamos esperar a un cierre por encima de los 8.968 puntos, precios un 2,3% por encima de los actuales.
Un estudio descarta alternativas para el traslado de la planta de Ence en Galicia
Los autónomos pueden deducirse los gastos de comidas con clientes o proveedores
Teladoc Health - Visualizando la medicina del Futuro
Podcast +D episodio 76. Una tarde con Flavio Muñoz de Andromeda Value
Buenas tardes,
El próximo miércoles estaremos conversando con Flavio Muñoz, Presidente y CEO de Andrómeda Value Capital.
Flavio Muñoz dirige las labores de asesoría a la hora de determinar las inversiones a ejecutar por parte del fondo. Anteriormente trabajó como analista en Bestinver Asset Management cubriendo entre otros sectores los de I.T, consultoría, publicitarias, media o negocios de suscripción. Master de postgrado por el Instituto de Estudios Bursatiles, I.E.B. Y grado en derecho y empresariales por la Universidad Pontifica Comillas, ICADE.
Fuente: Página web Andromeda Value
Flavio es un gran conocedor de las compañías tecnológicas por lo que es una excelente oportunidad para profundizar en los nuevos modelos tecnológicos que están cambiando el mundo.
Abrimos hilo para las preguntas, que mantendremos hasta el martes.
Pensamos que puede ser una conversación enriquecedora con la que poder aprender y disfrutar, por lo que esperamos sea de su agrado.
Que tengan buen fin de semana,
iVoox Podcast +D episodio 76. Una tarde con Flavio Muñoz de Andromeda ValueEscucha y descarga los episodios de Masdividendos gratis. En esta ocasión pasamos una tarde agradable conversando con Flavio Muñoz, Presidente y CEO de Andromeda Value Capital. Compañías tecnológicas,... Programa: Masdividendos. Canal:...
25 publicaciones - 21 participantes
Elon Musk Blasts Bitcoin and Ethereum Over Scalability Issues
Elon Musk took to Twitter to slam bitcoin and ethereum over their high transaction rates and fees, while underlining the “merit” of using dogecoin as a base layer blockchain. This was in response to dogecoin investor and YouTuber Matt Wallace.
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Elon Musk Shares His View On Bitcoin And EthereumWriting to dogecoin influencer Matt Wallace on Twitter, Musk said that bitcoin and ethereum are “pursuing a multilayer transaction system, but base layer transaction rate is slow and transaction cost is high,” as reported by Forbes.
Several crypto enthusiasts replied to Musk in the way of criticism, raising questions about how exchanges would act as a second layer for dogecoin, while others urged Musk to research scalability solutions for bitcoin and ethereum.
Anthony Sassano, a prominent Ethereum supporter, joked, “Pack it up everyone –Elon solved blockchain scalability.” Joel Heyman, a feverish bitcoin supporter added “I can’t believe people listen to this."
In March this year, Ethereum’s fees skyrocketed as well as its network congestion, while reaching an all-time fee value of $42 after stabilizing within the $16-$20 range, squeezing users who were looking to make small transactions on the platform.
“Present infrastructure of cryptocurrency networks will need to be expanded in a suitable way to absorb increasing transaction volumes along with an increasing number of users,” asserts digital investment platform Bitpanda.
Not Quite There, YetLightning Network has offered big improvements to bitcoin and ethereum transaction times and costs.
However, according to Cointelegraph regarding Lightning Network, “there is no telling what will happen if the payment will have to take too convoluted a route. Surely, if your transaction will need to go through dozens of intermediate channels, the fees will add up.”
With analysts predicting it could achieve a 40% price gain on bitcoin, ethereum just recently announced its London fork and already has miners and stakers gasping for the big answer: will this be a long-haul solution to resolve Ethereum’s scalability problems?
According to Abdelhamid Bakhta, one of the main authors of EIP-1559, misinformation about the upcoming London upgrade is widespread.
He emphasizes that EIP-1559 is not being introduced to decrease the current congestion and high fees but rather, it seeks to introduce the concept of “block elasticity,” which means that the theoretical maximum capacity of the platform is doubled.
So, he says, the short answer is “no,” as the upgrade “will not be the long-term solution that Ethereum needs to resolve its scalability problems.” Still, the growing introduction of layer 2 solutions will certainly alleviate fee and congestion issues in the network, he asserts.
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El Ibex 35 se deja un 1,41% en la semana aunque consigue afianzar los 8.700 puntos
El avance de la variante Delta de la Covid-19 está poniendo en jaque a las bolsas de todo el mundo.
ECB split deepens over scaling back bond-buying as economy improves
Tesla China’s Wholesale Sales Reached 33,155 Units in June, Up 122% from a Year Ago
In addition to Tesla, several other companies exceeded 10,000 wholesale sales in June, including BYD with 40,532 units, SAIC-GM-Wuling with 30,479 units and SAIC with 10,493 units, according to the CPCA.
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Tesla China's Wholesale SalesTesla China's wholesale sales in June reached 33,155 units, up 122 percent year-over-year and down about 1 percent from May, according to data released Thursday by the China Passenger Car Association (CPCA).
Tesla China retail sales in June were 28,138 units and exports were 5,017 units, the CPCA said.
The CPCA first announced Tesla China's retail sales in May, when the figure stood at 21,936 units.
Tesla China's wholesale sales in May were 33,463 units, up about 201.6 percent from a year ago and up 29.48 percent from April. Export volume for the month was 11,527 units.
In June, wholesale sales of new energy passenger vehicles in China reached 227,000 units, up 14.7 percent from May and 165.7 percent year-over-year, the CPCA's data showed.
Among them, wholesale sales of pure electric vehicles reached 186,000 units, up 175.0% year-over-year, while sales of plug-in hybrid vehicles reached 41,000 units, up 130.4% year-over-year and accounting for 18% of the total.
Retail penetration of new energy vehicles in China reached 14 percent in June, compared with 10.2 percent in January-June, a significant increase from the 2020 penetration rate of 5.8 percent, the CPCA said.
In June, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles among local Chinese brands was 28.4 percent and 14.2 percent among luxury vehicles, compared with 2.2 percent among mainstream joint venture brands, the CPCA said.
This article was first published by Dorothy Zheng on CnEVPost, a website focusing on new energy vehicle news from China.
Article by Dorothy Zheng. EqualOcean
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Corify Care capta 2,3 millones de euros para lanzar su tecnología de prevención de arritmias cardíacas