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Los 10 soft skills que todo cantidato debe tener en cuenta
Las 10 soft skills del candidato ideal:
Atención al cliente
Los empleados pueden mejorar en su trabajo y estar preparados para superar dificultades que pueden surgir con cursos de atención al cliente, que les ayuden a desarrollar las soft skills para prestar una mejor atención a los clientes.
El cliente percibe la empresa en función de la buena o mala experiencia del servicio recibido. Existen estadísticas que demuestran que un consumidor que tiene una experiencia positiva del servicio recibido la comparte con un promedio de 11 personas y, por el contrario, si su experiencia de servicio es negativa la contará a un promedio de 15 personas.
Capacidad de trabajo bajo presión
El empleado debe mostrar una actitud decisiva en determinados trabajos que exigen plazos y riesgos altos, con una capacidad inquebrantable para pensar con claridad, compartimentar ideas para tomar el control, adoptar las decisión oportunas y dejar de lado el estrés.
Una de las soft skills clave es la comunicación. El buen comunicador es capaz de adaptar el tono y estilo a su público, sabe escuchar y ser comprensivo, es eficiente en la transmisión de las instrucciones y habilidoso en la exposición de problemas complejos.
Y, no menos importantes, son sus habilidades verbales y no verbales. Las habilidades verbales fomentan las relaciones colaborativas y productivas; y las no verbales, como la comunicación escrita, adquieren cada día más protagonismo en la comunicación comercial por correo electrónico, que requiere del conocimiento de la escritura digital.
Las personas flexibles prestan ayuda siempre que lo consideran necesario, asumen responsabilidades adicionales y se adaptan con facilidad a los cambios de planes.
La flexibilidad es una soft skill que demuestra la capacidad y la voluntad de aceptar nuevos desafíos.
Inteligencia emocional
Esta es una de las soft skills más valoradas por las empresas. Los líderes exitosos tienen la capacidad de manejar sus propias emociones y construyen relaciones profesionales sólidas, al influir y motivar a los demás, fomentando la confianza y la colaboración.
Es la habilidad más buscada. Es una soft skills que reúne una grama de habilidades muy demandas por la empresa: actitud positiva y perspectiva, capacidad de tomar decisiones rápidas y efectivas, resolución de problemas o manejo de conflictos, comunicación efectiva y capacidad de automotivarse y motivar a los demás.
Un empleado positivo consigue un efecto imán que hace que los demás respondan a su favor y facilita el trabajo en equipo.
Afrontar la adversidad de forma constructiva para salir reforzado, mantener la confianza en uno mismo para enfrentarse a nuevos retos, reciclarse profesionalmente y actualizar los conocimientos.
Resolución de problemas
La resolución de conflictos está vinculada con las habilidades interpersonales y la capacidad de establecer una relación equitativa con los compañeros y los clientes.
Valentía para aconsejar
Aconsejar a los demás demuestra interés, tener valentía para dar opiniones a los demás y manifiesta el compromiso en buscar soluciones.
Crear y mantener un ambiente de trabajo saludable y productivo, donde se construyen y fortalecen las relaciones depende de las soft skills.
Aicad Business School ofrece la formación para conseguir las habilidades y practicar las 10 soft skills que requieren los candidatos ideales que demandan las empresas exitosas.
The flip side of more effective government spending
The other day I wrote about new research from the IMF that showed that in the Eurozone at least, government spending was far more effective in an environment when real interest rates were lower than real potential GDP growth (i.e. r-g<0). The chart below summarises the results of that research. In an environment where interest rates are low compared to growth, businesses and households have little incentive to save and at the same time grasp that the government may not have to enact austerity measures to pay for higher deficits. And the longer such a low-interest rate environment persists, the more effective government spending becomes, because fewer and fewer people hold on to their money to save for potentially higher taxes in the future.
Fiscal multiplier depending on the level of interest rates vs. growth
a.image2.image-link.image2-480-902 { padding-bottom: 53.215077605321504%; padding-bottom: min(53.215077605321504%, 480px); width: 100%; height: 0; } a.image2.image-link.image2-480-902 img { max-width: 902px; max-height: 480px; }Source: IMF
This is great news because it shows that the recent government spending measures to get us out of the recession of 2020 were highly effective and have definitely helped to speed up the recovery.
But there is a flip side to this story. We know that once an economy is back to full capacity any additional growth will trigger labour shortages and thus higher wages. And it may also trigger excess demand for raw materials that cannot be matched by the existing supply. The result is, of course, higher inflation. And this is where the chat above becomes a bit disconcerting. Because the fiscal multiplier of government spending doesn’t decrease over time, but instead slightly increases, any government spending in years 3, 4, 5, etc. will become even more effective. But typically, in years 3, 4, or 5 after a recession, the economy is already back to full capacity. Currently, economists expect the US and UK economies to fully recover from the pandemic lows by late 2021 and in the Eurozone in 2022. Any additional government spending beyond that point will push inflation higher. And that includes the fiscal spending that was part of the pandemic rescue packages enacted in 2020 and 2021 but scheduled to be spent only in later years.
Is that going to be enough to create high inflation for years to come or even a runaway inflation scenario like the 1970s? No. According to my calculations, the government spending enacted so far should lead to somewhat higher but not worrisome inflation. In the United States and the UK inflation may in the long run level off at 2.5% instead of 2%, while in the Eurozone, inflation may level off around 2% instead of 1.5%. And that assumes that central banks just sit on the sideline and do nothing. But they are of course already toying with the idea of tapering asset purchases and guiding the market to interest rate hikes in 2023 or potentially sooner. And I am pretty sure, that if they see inflation remain high for too long, they will accelerate their rate hikes and help push inflation lower. But they will also be happy to let inflation run slightly above 2% for a while, so realistically, we should probably expect inflation to run above 2% in the next five years or so, but not by much.
El egoísmo y los derechos del hombre
A menudo es erróneo el significado que se le da a pa palabra “egoísmo” dentro de lo que es el lenguaje popular. Se utiliza como sinónimo de maldad, evoca a una imagen de una persona cruel que, no preocupandose por ningún ser viviente, es capaz de pisar a quien haga falta para conseguir lo que ... Leer más
La entrada El egoísmo y los derechos del hombre se publicó primero en SIGMADIEZ.
AlphaCam Nesting Issues
I'm having some trouble getting larger parts to nest over multiple sheets. The parts are basic outlined shapes but will need to come out of a large number of sheets.
I can get 2 parts to nest onto one sheet but then can't get the program to make a new sheet and add the remaining parts.
Is this possible?
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Episode #331: Phil Nadel, Forefront Venture Partners, “The Best Companies Are Founded By Folks Who Personally Feel The Pain Point” Guest: Phil Nadel co-founded Forefront Venture Partners (formerly Barbara Corcoran Venture Partners) in 2014 and has been its Managing Director ever since. Phil is also one of […]
The post Episode #331: Phil Nadel, Forefront Venture Partners, “The Best Companies Are Founded By Folks Who Personally Feel The Pain Point” appeared first on Meb Faber Research - Stock Market and Investing Blog.
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Francisco Javier González, nuevo director de Operaciones de Freepik Company
Antes de entrar a formar parte de Freepik Company, donde comenzó a trabajar hace algo más de un año como Tech Lead y luego como Head of Product, González Bernal trabajó durante 7 años como Product Manager y COO en Resultados de Fútbol - BeSoccer, una startup de éxito en el panorama malagueño, que cuenta con más de 100 empleados.
Javier afirma que “esta nueva responsabilidad en Freepik Company es un reto interesante en mi carrera, que me permite coordinar las operaciones de una importante startup del tejido empresarial de Málaga, que da servicio a todo el mundo, con una dimensión internacional, multicultural y global”.
Por su parte, Alejandro Sánchez, cofundador de Freepik Company y actual CEO, añade que “Javier va a asumir un puesto clave para Freepik Company, ya que uno de nuestros pilares es ofrecer servicios de calidad y sólidos a nuestros usuarios y este puesto es una de las claves para ello. Nos gusta especialmente apostar por el talento local con personas con experiencia en el tejido tech que se está construyendo en Málaga desde hace años”.
BABEL nombra a Tony Olivo nuevo consejero delegado y director general del grupo empresarial
“Afrontamos este nuevo reto con ilusión y con el objetivo de mantener y evolucionar el modelo y cultura de empresa que nos han hecho crecer y diferenciarnos. Y, para ello, las personas son claves”, señala. Asimismo, añade que “consolidaremos nuestro crecimiento orgánico e inorgánico, apostando por la innovación para ofrecer un servicio eficaz y anticiparnos a las necesidades tecnológicas del mercado”.
Tony Olivo relevará a Rafael López Clapés en la dirección general de BABEL, quien ha ocupado este cargo desde 2015. En esta nueva etapa, asumirá la presidencia del Consejo de Administración con dedicación especial a operaciones inorgánicas y con funciones de auditoría económica interna.
Por su parte, Salvador Fontán, anterior presidente del Consejo, pasará a ejercer funciones de consejero, ocupándose de la gestión societaria y colaborando en el crecimiento inorgánico.
Además, al Consejo de Administración se incorporarán Ana Castro, directora general de BABEL Portugal, Carmen Castelló, directora general de BABEL España, y Natalia Imbernón, responsable de Control de Gestión y Administración del grupo.
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Fiscal stimulus in times of low interest rates
It is common knowledge among economists though not always with investors that fiscal stimulus is more effective when the economy is in recession than when it is growing. The fiscal multiplier that measures the change in GDP for every dollar spent by the government tends to be below 1 in boom times and above 1 in recessions. In other words, additional government spending in boom times tends to be a wasteful exercise where some of the government spending does not enhance economic growth. But in a recession, government spending significantly boosts economic growth and accelerates the recovery from the depths of the recession. That is why I am very much in favour of the government stimulus programmes enacted during the pandemic. Governments were doing the right thing at the right time.
But a new study by the IMF indicates that the fiscal multiplier of government spending may not only be higher than normal during a recession but also in boom times when economic growth is larger than the level of interest rates. Looking at 10 countries in the Eurozone, they estimated fiscal multipliers for two different regimes. Instead of the usual recession/boom split, they used the difference between real short-term interest rates and real potential economic growth (the famous r-g) as a differentiating factor.
If the real interest rate is lower than the real potential economic growth (i.e. r-g<0) then additional fiscal spending may lead to additional budget deficits, but because growth exceeds real interest rates, there might not be the need to increase government revenues (read ‘taxes’) in the future to pay for today’s spending spree. Higher growth, in this case, may lead to higher tax revenues that outpace the higher interest expenses from the additional spending. Note, that in the Eurozone, we have been in this regime since the financial crisis of 2008 and in the United States and the UK, we are currently definitely in this regime.
If, on the other hand, real interest rates are higher than real potential growth, additional spending causes a larger increase in interest cost than can be made up by higher tax income from higher growth. In this case, it is pretty likely that at some point in the future, the government will have to increase revenues to pay for the spending of today. This is the regime that the United States, the UK, and Europe were in throughout much of the post-WW2 period and it is what still determines the mental models of many investors.
Businesses and households who understand that the government cannot spend forever, but at some point, have to pay for its debt will take that into account when deciding how much money to save or spend. And if they think that the government will eventually have to increase taxes to pay for current spending (i.e. the second case of r-g>0) then they will ever so slightly increase their savings and reduce consumption and investments. The result is that government spending to incentivise businesses to invest or to incentivise consumers to spend may be less effective.
But in an environment when interest rates are low (i.e. the case of r-g<0 prevalent today), businesses and consumers are less incentivised to save and at the same time less reluctant to spend because they grasp that governments can afford to spend more due to lower cost of debt. So why save some of your income to pay for higher taxes that may never come?
The result is that in a low-interest rate environment, fiscal multipliers for government spending are not only larger than 1, but they tend to grow larger over time. In other words, as more and more people realise that the government won’t need to enact austerity measures to rein in debt, they start to spend and invest more and more, thus making government incentives like child tax credits, government grants for research and development or government infrastructure investments even more effective and powerful. At least in the Eurozone, where we now have ten years of experience, this is what happened and it seems likely to me that a similar effect will take hold in the UK and the United States in coming years.
Fiscal multiplier depending on the level of interest rates vs. growth
a.image2.image-link.image2-480-902 { padding-bottom: 53.215077605321504%; padding-bottom: min(53.215077605321504%, 480px); width: 100%; height: 0; } a.image2.image-link.image2-480-902 img { max-width: 902px; max-height: 480px; }Source: IMF
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