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Walgreens to Invest $5.2 Billion in VillageMD
SOIFIT, centro especializado en salud y rendimiento
SOIFIT es un centro de salud integral que se especializa en el entrenamiento personal exclusivo, para deportistas y atletas, que buscan mejorar sus condiciones físicas. Cada competición deportiva, dependiendo de su grado de complejidad, requiere una preparación previa por parte del atleta que suele definirse en el tipo de alimentación, el entrenamiento muscular y la […]
La entrada SOIFIT, centro especializado en salud y rendimiento se publicó primero en {DF} DiarioFinanciero.
I'm Back! Updates and a question
I think I have most of the process worked out, and I've done a few test pours.
By and large, the results are far better than I expected at this point. Here's the one from yesterday, pretty much straight out of the block:
I'm Back! Updates and a question
Danish man charged after five killed in Norway bow-and-arrow attack
Morgan Stanley CEO says bitcoin isn't a large part of the bank's business, but admits crypto is more than just a 'fad'
Andrew Burton/Getty Images; Samantha Lee/Insider
- Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman said crypto isn't in demand for the bank's clients.
- Even so, he admitted on the bank's earnings call that cryptocurrencies aren't just a fad.
- He said he's watching how regulators plan to handle the space.
Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman says crypto isn't a big part of the bank's business but, he admits, it's more than just a passing trend.
Gorman made the comments on the company's third-quarter earnings call after an equity analyst asked how the bank planned to engage with clients regarding digital assets.
In response, the CEO said Morgan Stanley isn't directly trading cryptocurrencies for retail clients - unlike some of its competitors - but it gives them access to buy digital assets through funds.
"It's just not a huge part of the business demand from our clients, and that may evolve, and we'll evolve with it," he said.
Even so, he admitted: "I don't think crypto is a fad."
"I don't think it's going to go away. I don't know what the value of bitcoin should or shouldn't be, but these things aren't going away. And the blockchain technology supporting is obviously very real and powerful," he said after the company posted an earnings beat, thanks to a boom in investment banking and equity trading.
For the bank, cryptocurrencies are a working space, Gorman said, adding that, "We're watchful of it, we're respectful, and we'll wait and see how the regulators handle it."
Other prominent market players have also stayed away from cryptocurrencies amid regulatory uncertainty. JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon went so far as to call bitcoin "worthless" this week.
Regulators have been grappling with how to manage the space for months. The Fed recently said it has no plans to ban crypto, and the US Securities and Exchange Commission said it's in the process of coming up with a regulatory framework for the market. Last week the SEC approved the closest thing to a US bitcoin ETF so far.
Read the original article on Business InsiderAmerica's new retirement age is 62 - or younger. The 'Great Resignation' is giving boomers their golden years back.
Rhona Whise/AFP via Getty Images
- Nearly half of Americans in a New York Fed survey said they expected to retire before turning 62.
- Retiring earlier lets Americans use their "golden decade" for better financial planning.
- But the economy depends on older workers, and a move to retiring early could upend the labor market.
- See more stories on Insider's business page.
Americans plan to retire earlier than ever.
In a July survey of about 1,300 American household heads conducted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the average chance adults expect to work beyond 62 is 50.1%. That's down from 51.4% in March and marks the smallest share since the Fed's survey began in 2014.
Conversely, the average likelihood Americans retired before 62 closed in on 50%. The chance Americans work beyond 67 also fell in July to a record-low 32.4% from 32.9%.
This could be good news for workers but presents challenges for the American economy.
3 reasons Americans are retiring earlyMore than 1 million older workers have exited the workforce since COVID-19 struck the US in February 2020, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data. Factors driving the mass exodus - deemed the "Great Resignation" by the psychologist Anthony Klotz - vary.
For some, the risk of catching the coronavirus countered the desire to keep working. Roughly 1.5 million Americans cited COVID-19 as the main reason they stayed out of the labor force in August, according to the jobs report. That count held flat from July levels.
Others likely stayed unemployed because of a lack of attractive employment options. The biggest labor shortages are in the service industries that took the biggest hits during the pandemic. It's possible older workers balked and decided to retire early, Julia Pollak, a labor economist at the job site ZipRecruiter, told Insider's Juliana Kaplan in July.
Soaring stocks also made more people rich enough to retire. The number of 401(k) and individual retirement accounts holding at least $1 million soared to a record 754,000 in the second quarter of 2021, Fidelity said in an August report, up 75% from the year-ago level.
For all workers, the average 401(k) balance rose 24% to $129,300 from the year-ago period, Fidelity said. The average IRA balance climbed 21% to $134,900.
The latest Fed data suggests early exits are the new normal, not a pandemic-era oddity.
Unlocking the 'golden decade'The wave of pandemic retirements stands to overhaul the US economy.
For one, it freed up younger baby boomers to better enjoy their 60s (the oldest boomers turned 75 this year). The decade already covers the most common retirement ages, but it also serves as the "golden decade" for tax planning, according to tax experts at Aspire Planning Associates, because it's old enough to retire and young enough to plan ahead to reduce tax costs.
Early retirements could also relieve some pressure on the labor market and force employers to shift their focus toward younger workers, as employers have grown increasingly reliant on older workers over the past two decades. While employment has been almost flat for workers younger than 55 since 2000, it's grown by nearly 20 million employees for Americans 55 and older, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Simply put, the US economy was increasingly reliant on workers less than a decade from the average retirement age.
!function(){"use strict";window.addEventListener("message",(function(e){if(void 0!["datawrapper-height"]){var t=document.querySelectorAll("iframe");for(var a in["datawrapper-height"])for(var r=0;r<t.length;r++){if(t[r].contentWindow===e.source)t[r]["datawrapper-height"][a]+"px"}}}))}();The aging of the workforce is another piece in the puzzle of an America shown by the 2020 census to be having fewer babies, with fewer workers around to power the economy. With Americans less likely to work into their 60s and instead take advantage of the golden decade, employers will have to look elsewhere for workers.
The search is already taking place. Job openings fell slightly to 10.4 million in August, a historically elevated level that reveals demand for workers is still intense. Yet hiring slowed sharply that month and was even weaker in September. Employers will just have to find ways to get younger workers to do the jobs of older ones - or robots will have to pick up the slack.
And of course, not all retirements are out of choice. A Boston College study that followed the New York Fed survey found that more than a third of Americans between 65 and 69 years old don't have the cash to cover just a year of minimal care.
Read the original article on Business InsiderLinkedIn is shutting down its Chinese site after drawing criticism for censoring profiles with content considered offensive to the country's government
Xinhua/Rao Aimin via Getty Images
- LinkedIn is ending its localized version in China, replacing it with a site without a social feed.
- It had blocked accounts of reporters and researchers sharing content considered offensive to the CCP.
- LinkedIn is the last big American social media site operating in China, the WSJ reports.
LinkedIn is shutting down its local version in China after coming under fire for censoring accounts in the country that shared content considered offensive to China's government.
The company, which is owned by Microsoft, said in a blog post on Thursday that it will sunset the localized version later this year.
"While we've found success in helping Chinese members find jobs and economic opportunity, we have not found that same level of success in the more social aspects of sharing and staying informed," the post reads. "We're also facing a significantly more challenging operating environment and greater compliance requirements in China."
LinkedIn says it will replace the localized site, which launched in 2014, with InJobs. This will strictly be a jobs application site; it won't have a social feed or the ability to share posts or articles.
"Our new strategy for China is to put our focus on helping China-based professionals find jobs in China and Chinese companies find quality candidates," the post continued.
LinkedIn is the last big American social media site running in China, the Wall Street Journal reports.
The platform made headlines earlier this year for censoring profiles of users who shared "prohibited content." In June, writer and photographer Jojje Olsson was told by LinkedIn that he had to remove mention of the Tiananmen Square massacre from his profile or his account would be hidden from view in China.
At the time, LinkedIn said, "It's clear to us that in order to create value for our members in China and around the world, we will need to implement the Chinese government's restrictions on content, when and to the extent required."
Last month, LinkedIn blocked accounts of journalists and researchers on its Chinese site whose profiles contained content considered offensive to the ruling Chinese Communist Party, as Insider's Katie Canales reported.
LinkedIn told those affected users, "While we strongly support freedom of expression, we recognized when we launched that we would need to adhere to the requirements of the Chinese government in order to operate in China."
Read the original article on Business Insider
Azagala Capital
Buenas tardes Oscar,
Más que odiada es una empresa a la que se subió mucha gente (analistas técnicos, vendedores de señales, y en general oportunistas) al calor de la revalorización y eso hace que con la misma facilidad se salgan, lógicamente al ser cuentas que no hacen la DD correspondiente de ahí el ruido que se ha generado en los últimos meses.
En cambio, los hechos de los últimos meses son los siguientes:
- Han ganado 2 contratos con la administración, la pata militar será una fuente estable de ingresos y creo que representará una parte muy importante en el futuro.
- Han subido el guidance del trimestre, con un incremento en ventas adicional del 10%.
- El Backlog está en máximos históricos.
- La actividad del marketplace está incluso por encima de los máximos alcanzados el año pasado.
A medio plazo, el ritmo de la compañía lo marcará el éxito del marketplace que es la parte del negocio con márgenes superiores al 70%.
Es una empresa muy compleja, que necesita tiempo para digerir la rapidez de su expansión (en 4 años ha pasado de vender 5M a 218M) pero todas las decisiones que ha tomado el equipo directivo son muy inteligentes.
A 10 aprovechamos la euforia del mercado y recomendamos reducir la posición y con las ultimas caídas hemos recomendado aumentar de nuevo con acciones y con opciones.
Espero que le sirva la info, un cordial saludo
Pd: Pediría por favor que nada de lo que escriba se tome como una recomendación de ningún tipo y sobretodo pediría que nadie copie ninguna posición ni de Azagala ni de nadie sin estudiar a fondo la compañía. Mi intención es ayudar al que pueda estar interesado en este tipo de compañías a estudiarlas y dedicarles tiempo, no a invertir en ellas y mucho menos sin haber hecho la debida due diligence. Gracias
Chinese 4 stroke model camshaft repair advice
After a nice tune on it, the camshaft has started to wear significantly. Making a big pit in the middle of the lobe.
Chinese 4 stroke model camshaft repair advice
Alcanzar la independencia financiera
Es algo que tenemos método en los genes. A las empresas les pedimos más y más barato. Compara los coches, los teléfonos, la comida, turismo y cualquier cosa que se te ocurra con lo que se ofrecía hace 20 años.
¡ Al estado le pedimos justo lo contrario! Más caro y peor. Compara los impuestos que se pagaban hace 20 años con la educación, sanidad, pensiones, cobertura del paro o justicia. Iguales o peores y más caros (impuestos superiores) en todos los casos.
¡Y todavía hay individuos que piden subir los impuestos aún más!
China’s Producer Price Index Reaches Record High Of 10.7%
“China’s Producer Price Index, which tracks what manufacturers charge wholesalers, is up 10.7%, which is the highest it’s been since they began recording in the mid-90s. China has been experiencing power shortages, and there is a global commodities rally, meaning it is costing manufacturers a lot more to produce goods. Currently it doesn’t seem this price inflation is being passed onto consumers but there’s only so long wholesalers can absorb these cost increases.
if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined') { document.write(''); } .first{clear:both;margin-left:0}.one-third{width:31.034482758621%;float:left;margin-left:3.448275862069%}.two-thirds{width:65.51724137931%;float:left}form.ebook-styles .af-element input{border:0;border-radius:0;padding:8px}form.ebook-styles .af-element{width:220px;float:left}form.ebook-styles .af-element.buttonContainer{width:115px;float:left;margin-left: 6px;}form.ebook-styles .af-element.buttonContainer input.submit{width:115px;padding:10px 6px 8px;text-transform:uppercase;border-radius:0;border:0;font-size:15px}form.ebook-styles input.submit{width:115px}form.ebook-styles .af-element.privacyPolicy{width:100%;font-size:12px;margin:10px auto 0}form.ebook-styles .af-element.privacyPolicy p{font-size:11px;margin-bottom:0}form.ebook-styles .af-body input.text{height:40px;padding:2px 10px !important} form.ebook-styles .error, form.ebook-styles #error { color:#d00; } form.ebook-styles .formfields h1, form.ebook-styles .formfields #mg-logo, form.ebook-styles .formfields #mg-footer { display: none; } form.ebook-styles .formfields { font-size: 12px; } form.ebook-styles .formfields p { margin: 4px 0; }Get The Full Walter Schloss Series in PDF
Get the entire 10-part series on Walter Schloss in PDF. Save it to your desktop, read it on your tablet, or email to your colleagues.
(function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true);Q3 2021 hedge fund letters, conferences and more
Global Inflation Is RisingWorth noting that inflation across the globe is rising – last week we saw interest rates in New Zealand rise for the first time in seven years in a measure to combat higher inflation. And we’re running ahead of target here in the UK too.
Inflation, trade issues and commodity prices are all weighing on markets this week. Apple shares slumped yesterday as the firm revealed the production of the iPhone 13 had been impacted by global computer chip shortages, but on the other hand you have the backdrop of commodity companies – oil and gas firms – that are riding high thanks to low supply and high demand. Highest risers on the FTSE today are natural resources and mining firms Rio Tinto, Glencore, Anglo American, Antofagasta and BHP.”
Article by Emma Wall, Head of Investment Analysis at Hargreaves Lansdown
About Hargreaves Lansdown
Over 1.64 million clients trust us with £135.5 billion (as at 30 June 2021), making us the UK’s largest digital wealth management service. More than 98% of client activity is done through our digital channels and over 600,000 access our mobile app each month.
Updated on Oct 14, 2021, 12:27 pm
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Algunas olivas extras y solucionado…
Hilo Oficial +D Madrid. Zona Centro Filial MásDividendos
Yo no trabajo actualmente en una multinacional, pero eso no quita que las reuniones se alarguen hasta horas intempestivas. Tiene pinta de que hoy no podré tomarme cañas con amigos
¡Disfruten de la magnífica velada!
International Business Machines (IBM)
Bueno en teoría dentro de 20 años esa cotización te va a dar un poco igual xD
A mi sí. Jajajaja.
Criando malvas!!!
BBVA acusa el nuevo desplome de la lira turca
Alcanzar la independencia financiera
Arte de crear un problema donde antes no existía, para luego no solucionarlo.
Y ya puestos, echarle la culpa a la oposición…
Pedri renueva con el FC Barcelona hasta 2026
El jugador del FC Barcelona Pedri seguirá siendo blaugrana hasta 2026 tras llegar a un acuerdo para la renovación de su contrato con la entidad blaugrana, a la que llegó en verano de 2020 y que celebra que haya «Pedri para rato». «El FC Barcelona y el jugador Pedro González ‘Pedri’ han llegado a un […]
La entrada Pedri renueva con el FC Barcelona hasta 2026 se publicó primero en {DF} DiarioFinanciero.
NHS buildings repair backlog soars to £9.2bn in England
NHS buildings repair backlog soars to £9.2bn in England
Real Madrid y Atlético se unen a la lucha contra el cáncer del movimiento Gotas de Solidaridad
El director de Relaciones Institucionales del Real Madrid, Emilio Butragueño, y el presidente de Leyendas del Atlético de Madrid, Roberto Solozábal, han mostrado el apoyo de sus respectivos clubes a la lucha contra el cáncer participación este jueves en la mesa redonda ‘En un mismo equipo somos más fuertes’, organizada por Solán de Cabras y […]
La entrada Real Madrid y Atlético se unen a la lucha contra el cáncer del movimiento Gotas de Solidaridad se publicó primero en {DF} DiarioFinanciero.
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