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The Inflation Tax Rises

The Wall Street Journal Opinions - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 01:12
Real average hourly earnings have declined 1.9% since Biden’s inaugural.

Metrovacesa busca inversores para sus proyectos terciarios

Expansion empresas - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 01:10
Proyecto Clesa y Puerto Somport, en Madrid, o Las Tres Chimeneas de Barcelona y Vinival de Valencia son algunos de los suelos del grupo destinados a uso de oficinas, hoteles y residencias de estudiantes. Leer

Unos Presupuestos irracionales e increíbles

expansion opinion - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 01:10
El Gobierno ha elaborado unos Presupuestos increíbles que acentúan el incremento del tamaño del Estado en la economía y son un lastre para poner a España en la senda de la recuperación. Leer

La restauración organizada en España

expansion opinion - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 01:10
Animémonos a construir en nuestro país un sistema de franquicias con alma, serio y diferencial. Un modelo que podamos exportar al exterior por su gran potencial y éxito y, en definitiva, un modelo que funciona. Leer

La restauración organizada en España

Expansion empresas - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 01:10
Animémonos a construir en nuestro país un sistema de franquicias con alma, serio y diferencial. Un modelo que podamos exportar al exterior por su gran potencial y éxito y, en definitiva, un modelo que funciona. Leer

Presupuesto populista con cimientos frágiles

expansion opinion - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 01:10
El Gobierno confía ciegamente en que la recuperación dispare los ingresos fiscales a cotas históricas. El golpe fiscal a las empresas y el ahorro trata de ocultar que el gasto electoralista no se sostiene. Leer

Prosegur y Grifols, las únicas españolas en la selección de empresas infravaloradas

Expansion mercados - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 01:04
Morningstar destaca 26 compañías europeas atractivas para invertir por sus buenos precios. Leer

The real question about China for investors

Financial Times Markets - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 01:01
Beijing’s policymaking process is the main issue, not political objectives

WiZink estudia la venta de su filial de pagos Aplazame

Expansion empresas - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 01:00
Varios interesados internacionales se acercan al banco online, que ya tiene asesores externos. WiZink está inmerso en plena transformación. Leer

Santander completa el organigrama de RetailCo

Expansion empresas - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 00:57
El grupo excluirá de Bolsa Santander Río, de la que ahora controla el 99,3% del capital. Leer

William Shatner Returns to Space

The Wall Street Journal Opinions - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 00:55
The 90-year-old actor and ‘Star Trek’ pioneer takes a ride on a Blue Origin rocket.

La oficina del trabajador empoderado

Expansion directivos - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 00:53
Ya no se habla de ratios de ocupación sino de la experiencia por metro cuadrado. Leer

Lecciones para la empresa de Scariolo, Ivanovic o Maljkovic

Expansion directivos - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 00:53
Resultan básico el esfuerzo, la disciplina o la tenacidad, pero sobre todo la flexibilidad. Leer

California Chainsaw Massacre

The Wall Street Journal Opinions - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 00:51
Sacramento escalates its campaign to raise costs for everything.

Beijing's Time for Evergrande Choosing

The Wall Street Journal Opinions - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 00:47
Strategic ambiguity is no solution for a major debt implosion.

Coinbase lanzará un mercado de 'tokens coleccionables'

Expansion mercados - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 00:45
El principal mercado de coleccionables digitales negocia al día 2.800 millones de dólares. Leer

The New Permanent Plateau Of Bullshit - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 00:44

"There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion" - Ludwig Von Mises

The ideological consequences of this super asset bubble collapsing will be of such a magnitude that most of today's pundits are incapable of acknowledging them. This market has done nothing "wrong" other than to remain artificially pinned at all time highs while the sheeple threw their life savings into it. Bulls can afford to be fat and happy, because they are sitting atop the largest uncorrected rally since 1933 and that fact is not the slightest concern to them. Unfortunately, contrary to popular belief, there is no pot of gold at the end of this rainbow. On the other side of super asset bubble meltdown, gamblers will come to realize that all they bought was the biggest empty load of hot air in human history...

The greatest fear I've heard over and over again is that we are headed for "stagflation", and of course there is a trade for that - commodities, Bitcoins, alt-currencies, real estate etc. Never mind that those asset classes are part of the super asset bubble. This argument of stagflation is of course wishful thinking for those who are whistling past the graveyard of the greatest debt bubble in human history. It conveniently fits with the right leaning desire that Biden's economic recovery is doomed to fail, but not catastrophically. It will fail in a late 1970s peak middle class kind of way that proves Supply Side economics was the right choice all along. It WON'T fail to the extent that it reveals four decades of Reaganomics to be an abject human catastrophe. Because that would be bad and ideologically terminal.

Wishful thinking.

It never once occurs to any of these people that they are watching a credit crisis unfold in real-time. Not A credit crisis - THE CREDIT CRISIS. 

Here we see gasoline adjusted for inflation is either at a three year high OR at the same level as 2005, depending upon who you believe.

This chart of global (wealthy nation) real estate is a good proxy for the overall relative magnitude of each serial asset bubble. What it shows is that each bubble has exploded with greater and greater dislocation, followed by a bailout and an even larger bubble. Many people seem to forget that there was a financial crisis that preceded the financial crisis. It was the Savings and Loan Crisis:

"The roots of the S&L crisis lay in excessive lending, speculation, and risk-taking driven by the moral hazard created by deregulation and taxpayer bailout guarantees"

In other words, the roots of the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 are the EXACT same as the roots of the S&L crisis, only of much larger magnitude. AND the roots of this impending crisis are the exact same as the roots of those two prior crises only once again of much greater magnitude. Fraud and criminality encouraged via continuous monetary bailout since 2008.

Of course, societal moral collapse has been front-running this latent disaster all along. Which is why even now so few people question it. Most people in positions of wealth and authority today are the prime beneficiaries of this mega fraud and hence they have no incentive to warn against it. Why would they want to see a paradigm shift that could have them at the bottom instead of the top?

All of which preamble gets us to the Casino...

As the saying goes, tops are a "process" not an event. I say, tops are a process followed by an event. In this case, a super cycle top which is even a longer process than usual. Here we see the Dow has been topping since last May which is now five months and who's counting? 

The 2018 Q4 deflationary collapse is the analog of choice. It featured the following similarities:

Fiscal stimulus withdrawal, monetary stimulus withdrawal, a peak in oil, a massive spike in natural gas, peak Treasury reflation expectations, heavy distribution (negative money flow), Chinese stock meltdown, dollar rally, massive breadth divergence, a double breakout in Nasdaq new lows, record option skew, and a second growth stock blow-off top in the same year. The first one being February. The main difference we see below however is that investor positioning (IMX) increased since February whereas in 2018 it decreased.

Note the current position (main pane) and the circle from October 2018:

Here we see Brent Crude is literally identical to 2018:

Among the reflation sectors, airlines have the clearest wave count:

In summary, Chinese markets have been bouncing this week as gamblers BTFD deja vu.
The reason why you don't hear much concern about China Lehman is because these people can't afford to be wrong this time.


¿Qué fondo de Bolsa española bate al 'value'?

Expansion ahorro - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 00:42
El Sabadell España Bolsa gana un 22,85%, por encima del retorno de los mejores 'value', como los de Horos, Cobas y Magallanes. Leer

Biden Puts Job Security Over Airport Security

The Wall Street Journal Opinions - Jue, 10/14/2021 - 00:42
Extending civil-service protections to TSA screeners pleases government-employee unions but puts American lives at risk.


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