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Hello from Tucson, Arizona - Sáb, 08/14/2021 - 23:07
Hello all!

I have zero experience casting but I play in the heat for a living. I am a firefighter in my city and have lots of ideas to cast once I learn. Self taught at most things and really enjoy the learning process. Recently complete a scratch built electric bicycle with salvaged batteries that tops out around 35mph. I 3D printed lots of parts for it and I can imagine these parts in aluminum. So, I would like to have a go casting them. Also, working on a QueenBee CNC machine (router)....

Hello from Tucson, Arizona

WST05 Makita Miter Saw Stand Won't Collapse Main woodworking Forum - Sáb, 08/14/2021 - 22:46
This is a nice stand but I can't get it to collapse. Hoping someone might have an insight on why it won't. I pull the handle, slightly lift, but it just stays put.


I'm suspecting it has something to do with the red piece under the stand.


Maybe it's becuse of these two threaded bolts I ended up with after assembly?

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Las marcas venderán los coches de forma directa

Expansion empresas - Sáb, 08/14/2021 - 21:41
Stellantis y Grupo Volkswagen han anunciado que venderán sus automóviles directamente.El concesionario no comprará los vehículos a las marcas y se enfocará en el mantenimiento. Leer

¿Se puede ser referente sin seguidores?

Expansion directivos - Sáb, 08/14/2021 - 21:19
El liderazgo implica una evolución de dentro hacia fuera. Leer

El capital riesgo español quiere levantar ya el veto a la inversión internacional

Expansion empresas - Sáb, 08/14/2021 - 21:17
El Gobierno ha ampliado hasta diciembre el escudo antiopas aplicado en la pandemia. Los inversores españoles se quejan de que la medida está ralentizando operaciones. Leer

El gasto público como anestesia mundial

Expansion economia - Sáb, 08/14/2021 - 21:11
El mundo ha vuelto a girar hacia posiciones de gasto público expansivo. No se dan cuenta del cortoplacismo de esa actuación, ya que si se trata de que el sector público cubra todo, terminará estallando, con lo que los recortes que entonces habrá que acometer serán mucho mayores. Leer

Ferrari 'vs' Lamborghini: bendita rivalidad

Expansion directivos - Sáb, 08/14/2021 - 20:41
Ferruccio Lamborghini creó su primer deportivo a raíz de un desaire de 'Il Commendatore' Enzo Ferrari. Leer

De la Costa Azul a Copenhague: los mejores viajes para 'foodies'

Expansion directivos - Sáb, 08/14/2021 - 20:39
Los Roca en Girona, Noma en Copenhague o Mirazur en la Costa Azul actúan como reactivadores de escapadas de 'foodies' internacionales. Leer

Tecnología 5G: Cómo afectará a nuestras vidas

Expansion economia digital - Sáb, 08/14/2021 - 20:38
La carrera por el desarrollo de las redes de 5G ha dado comienzo. La nueva generación del estándar móvil de telecomunicaciones promete una experiencia nunca antes vista para el usuario. Leer

La banca reduce a mínimos la rentabilidad de las cuentas

Expansion empresas - Sáb, 08/14/2021 - 20:29
Tras las últimas rebajas, sólo cinco entidades financieras permiten superar el umbral del 1% TAE, pero con condiciones y bastante letra pequeña, o con importantes limitaciones. Leer

Sin rivales a la vista: Elon Musk vuelve a alzarse como el ejecutivo mejor pagado de EEUU

Expansion directivos - Sáb, 08/14/2021 - 20:21
El directivo no cuenta con una nómina plagada de ceros sino que su 'sueldo' proviene de opciones sobre acciones de Tesla. Leer

Telefónica, Arcelor y Repsol lideran el recorte de la deuda del Ibex

Expansion empresas - Sáb, 08/14/2021 - 20:21
Las grandes cotizadas reducen su endeudamiento en 4.600 millones entre enero y junio, hasta 162.250 millones, gracias al saneamiento de la operadora. En un año, la deuda global baja 13.800 millones. Leer

Human History's Biggest Sucker's Bet - Sáb, 08/14/2021 - 18:57
Deja vu of 2011 the GOP are playing brinkmanship with the Federal debt limit. Once again, the suckers at the table are bluffing with a pair of fours...

Republicans are REALLY pissed off. Partly due to the election fiasco, partly due to the social justice mob rule, but mostly due to self-inflicted problems. I am referring of course to Supply Side trickle down economics which has been the mainstay of Republican policy since Reagan. The theory behind it is that as the rich get richer everyone else gets the bread crumbs falling off the table. Think deck hands on mega yachts and so forth. The "success" of this policy is measured in record wealth which we learned this week is now inversely correlated to consumer confidence. 
It's the inevitable endgame for Voodoo Economics:

For Republicans, consumer confidence is now LOWER than March 2009 when the market had crashed -55%. Which is a harbinger for massive unrest when this collapse takes place.

Needless to say, this collapse in consumer confidence is a disaster in the making given the impending fiscal cliff that will take place after Labor Day which is when Federal unemployment benefits end for 7.5 million people. As we see above, it's all very reminiscent of 2011 when the GOP refused to increase the debt limit for Obama. Consumer confidence collapsed. Republicans say they are refusing to raise the debt ceiling "on principle" however they had no problem raising it for Trump and his massive tax cut for the ultra wealthy. This is rank hypocrisy bluffing with an empty hand, and I predict the cost of it will be measured in trillions of deflated asset wealth.

As a reminder, when this all played out in August 2011, stocks crashed -20% and bonds were bid. The VIX hit 50. Ironically, bond yields collapsed despite the technical default. This time however, the stakes are 10x higher given the amount of leverage that has been added in the meantime. 
In particular, the fragile reflation trade will get monkey hammered and it's already in a precarious position on the verge of third wave down.
This is the WORST time for brinkmanship:

Also getting interesting is the ongoing meltdown in Chinese markets, which has been celebrated as a victory for the U.S. 
This coming week happens to be the same week in August 2015 when the Chinese meltdown spilled over into global markets. 
What could go wrong? 

As far as gold goes, the GOP antics in 2011 killed the gold rally.

On the Tech-heavy Nasdaq, Friday saw the largest number of new lows at an S&P 500 all time high in thirty years:

In summary, I predict that Congress will be moved to raise the debt ceiling and extend unemployment benefits, but the cost of the delay will be far more than they can afford.

Pininfarina Battista, un superdeportivo eléctrico con 1.900 CV de potencia

Diario Financiero - Sáb, 08/14/2021 - 17:55

Acaba de celebrarse la  Semana del Automóvil de Monterey 2021, en la que se ha presentado la primera versión del superdeportivo eléctrico Pininfarina Battista, después de casi tres años de avances y pruebas, evento que también  ha significado, que Pininfarina comienza su producción, que se limitará a 150 ejemplares, que serán distribuidos equitativamente entre Europa, […]

La entrada Pininfarina Battista, un superdeportivo eléctrico con 1.900 CV de potencia se publicó primero en {DF} DiarioFinanciero.

Is this Tormek worth it? Main woodworking Forum - Sáb, 08/14/2021 - 17:12
I have the opportunity to buy this for $300. It includes what is shown in the pictures. Most of my sharpening would be wood lathe related. Can someone tell me what the jigs in the last picture are for?



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Small Traders Pile Back Into Cryptocurrencies

The Wall Street Journal Markets - Sáb, 08/14/2021 - 17:03
Cryptocurrencies are surging again even as hedge funds and other large traders bet their prices will decline.

As Electric Air Taxis Land on Stock Markets, Investors Need a Flight Guide

The Wall Street Journal Markets - Sáb, 08/14/2021 - 16:07
Investors may soon face a choice between first movers like Joby and more niche players such as Lilium and even air-ambulance startup Dufour.

The Berlin spy case reminds us that real espionage is banal and human

Financial Times Technology - Sáb, 08/14/2021 - 16:00
Technological tools cannot replicate the creativity and observation skills of people

MiB: Greg Becker, CEO Silicon Valley Bank

ritholtz - Sáb, 08/14/2021 - 16:00



This week, we speak with Greg Becker, who is the chief executive officer of Silicon Valley Bank — the only bank dedicated to the global innovation sector — and CEO of SVB Financial Group. Becker joined SVB in 1993 and has served as CEO since 2011; he previously held various senior positions including co-founder and managing director of SVB Capital, chief banking officer, and president of Silicon Valley Bank.

He explains how SVB brings nearly 10,000 companies in who are just getting started. They tailor their products to them from venture financing, lending, and banking services. Clients of SVB startup-banking make up 50% of venture-backed tech and life science companies in the US; 69% of U.S. VC-backed tech + life science companies with an IPO banked with SVB in 2019.

The firm has been active in the FinTech area, with both clients and deploying tech on their platform. It helps them as an institution to press ahead and be bold. SDVB is now global, operating in Asia, the UK, and Europe, China, and elsewhere around the world.

A list of his favorite books is here; A transcript of our conversation is available here Monday.

You can stream and download our full conversation, including the podcast extras on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Google, Bloomberg, and Acast. All of our earlier podcasts on your favorite pod hosts can be found here.

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business next week with Fran Kinniry, who is a principal in the Vanguard Investment Strategy Group, and became Global Head of Private Investments at investing giant Vanguard Group in 2019.



Greg Becker’s Favorite Books

The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics by Daniel James Brown

The Pacific War: 1941-1945 by John Costello

2034: A Novel of the Next World War by Elliot Ackerman and Admiral James Stavridis



The post MiB: Greg Becker, CEO Silicon Valley Bank appeared first on The Big Picture.

This Week on TRB - Sáb, 08/14/2021 - 15:27
We’ve been a predominantly remote employee firm for years now – starting way back before it was cool. And over the years we’ve learned a lot about the power of getting people together in person to work and play. This past week employees based in Nassau and Suffolk Counties (LI), Staten Island, Manhattan, Orange County (Upstate NY), Hilton Head SC and Chicago IL came together for a few days of training, ...

The post This Week on TRB appeared first on The Reformed Broker.


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