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All the Ways You Can Get Defrauded
click for interactive graphic
Source: Businessweek
We spend a lot of time and effort in the office on security; we have to make sure everybody is up to speed on the latest phishing and identify theft scams, and how to keep client accounts secure, and all that. It’s a never-ending battle, an arms race between technology and human error.
If you think you know all of the scams out there just waiting to defraud you, think again. There were 4.8 million reports in 2020, a 43% increase from 2019. And forged government benefits applications, including unemployment insurance, were up 30-fold year over year.
Thank the folks at Businessweek for delving into the FTC’s database of 4.8 million scams. You can see all of the major categories here.
The post All the Ways You Can Get Defrauded appeared first on The Big Picture.
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