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HSMworks Adding a second Op?

Vie, 10/08/2021 - 02:53
Setting up a two-vise job, real simple part to learn more programming and HSMworks quirks.

The part is a 5" milling vise soft jaw, I ran the first bit today and while I goofed and had the chamfer mill running on the wrong side of the profile (cut a V-groove around the top of the part instead of chamfering) it did fine on the pocket mill and boring for the fasteners, and it didn't crash the vise or fling the workpiece off into orbit.

Now, I need to setup the part for Op 2 in vise 2, where I face the back of the part off. That's all that's left, just face off the back and then debur.

What's the process needed here? Re-model the part+stock remaining and import as a second job, then combine the two programs? Seems like there should be a more straightforward method.

Need Help! Enter new tool on fusion360 library

Jue, 08/05/2021 - 04:22

I Need explanation for entering new tools information on fusion 360 library.
Some of my bit have only number on the side (no brand, no library online then)
I just dont know what the number on the side mean and how to enter every information about these tools on the library.

Thanks in advance.

One tool for Multiple WCS Offsets

Mar, 07/27/2021 - 17:12
Is there a way to use one tool for Multiple Work Offsets so I can minimize tool changes? For example, I have a 3 op part, and each operation is in its own fixture/vise and they currently run off subprograms. I was wondering if I could rough Op2 right after Op1, and how can I go about it since op2 is not a duplicate of op1.

Thank you.

Newbie Variable Depth cut in HSMworks

Jue, 07/22/2021 - 19:18

I am just starting out using HSMworks within Solidworks and have a machining problem as per the attached screen shot , the part has an angled bottom and i only want to machine the outside profile .
The part is 20mm thick and needs to have the outer profile that is maximum 18mm.and help in a jig .

i want the cutter to to offset the bottom of the part by 1mm all the way around , as the longest cutter i can get is 45mm

If i try 2d contour as per the screenshot 1 it cuts the full depth all around

if i use the same cutter path using Contour in the 3D menu it try's to cut a weird path around the top of the part screenshot 2

Im sure i am missing something ??

Attached Images

Unexpected vertical tool offset following the change of workspace G54 G55 G56

Mar, 07/06/2021 - 15:39

I wish to do a job requiring 2 tools in 3 Work Coordinates System (WCS) : G54, G55 and G56.
Tool 1 must work in each WCS before changing to Tool 2.

I use the option "Multiple WCS Offsets / Order by Tool" of the Setup in Fusion 360.

I observe that the tool change induces a vertical offset of tool 2.
This offset is precisely the difference between length compensations of tool 1 and tool 2.
This difference is even doubled after the milling of the G55 to G56.

Tool 1 Length Compensation -130,00
Tool 2 Length Compensation -133.50
Compensation difference = 3,50

DRO Work_offsets at the end of the program:
G54 X0.00 Y 0.00 Z0.00
G55 X0.00 Y15.00 Z3.50
G56 X0.00 Y30.00 Z7.00
(The 3 Work_offsets are Y-aligned and spaced 15.00).

I'm using Fusion 360 with Mach3, PostProcess Mach3mill_43262

I tried to solve the problem by making changes in the program and looking for good advice on forums, but still unresolved.

I would be grateful for if you could support me for this problem.
