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Cosas interesantes de inversion de bolsa, fondos..
How Often Does Dollar Cost Averaging Fail?
A reader from Nashville asks:
Have you done any research into what would happen if we had a lost decade but you dollar cost average (“DCA”) through your 401(k)? Where you would end up?
Though I have preached the importance of continually buying a diverse set of income-producing assets for years now, I didn’t actually have an answer to this question…until now.
What follows is my examination of DCA (...
The post How Often Does Dollar Cost Averaging Fail? appeared first on Of Dollars And Data.
Consultorio Bursátil – Junio 2021
Consultorio bursátil de junio de 2021
La entrada Consultorio Bursátil – Junio 2021 aparece primero en Academia de Inversión - Aprende value investing desde cero.
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