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Metalurgia, forja y fundicion
Gatling Gun
The American ATF does not consider the Gatling as a machine gun as each shot is loaded cocked and fired mechanically by...
Gatling Gun
Wanted: Little Hercules plans and notes
Wanted: Little Hercules plans and notes
FS casting for Wright Radial
commissioned a professional machinist to build the engine and then sold castings to defray the cost. Building instructions included. I had dreams of using these on a v twin but
realistically will never happen so I would sell them. I think they are worth $US100.
T head engine by Brian
T head engine by Brian
Larger Moya???
Thanks in advance
Buy a house?
Buy a house?
A Dummy Engine
A Dummy Engine
Excello power feed
Matchplate Trial. Simplest posssible patterns. Good learner Project
Here is the first pair of side pieces for which I am making the matchplate. Both sides of the patterns are basically flat with two rectangular recesses. So, on one side I am just attaching the drafted pattern...
Matchplate Trial. Simplest posssible patterns. Good learner Project
Lack of protective clothing.
Simple way to mull
Simple way to mull
Aero Engine
I am hopeful that I can get back to it soon.
The item that I would like to 'find' is the 9 cylinder head castings, which I understand were on sale in those days.
I wonder if somewhere in some-ones parts boxes there might be...
Aero Engine
Hello from Tucson, Arizona
I have zero experience casting but I play in the heat for a living. I am a firefighter in my city and have lots of ideas to cast once I learn. Self taught at most things and really enjoy the learning process. Recently complete a scratch built electric bicycle with salvaged batteries that tops out around 35mph. I 3D printed lots of parts for it and I can imagine these parts in aluminum. So, I would like to have a go casting them. Also, working on a QueenBee CNC machine (router)....
Hello from Tucson, Arizona
Use a non-contact infrared thermomator as a pyrometer?
As the title says, I am wondering if a cheap infrared thermometer could be used to measure the temperature of a pot of molten aluminum. I have been casting aluminum for several years and have never had a pyrometer, but judged pouring temperature by color and fluidity of the melt. It usually works fine, but I would like to be more precise.
I was in Harbor Freight the other day and saw an infrared thermometer that was rated to 2200 degrees F (I think).
Have any of you experienced...
Use a non-contact infrared thermomator as a pyrometer?
Hello from Dallas (Obligatory first melt post!)
I'm from Dallas and recently got into this hobby because of a combination of my packrat habits, my overly paranoid security habits, and my companies Covid benefits package!
I'm a natural packrat. And a few months ago I was cleaning my workshop and came across a stack of hard drives from every PC I'd owned back to around 1995.
I'm a paranoid person because I work in IT security and know it's never safe to throw away an old hard drive, but needed some way I'd feel...
Hello from Dallas (Obligatory first melt post!)
Bronze pour time
Making bentone experiment
Making bentone experiment
Bentone for sale
K-Bond is named for Kent State where it was developed by one of Tom Cobett's Students.
It is an almost smokeless oil bonded foundry sand for casting zinc, aluminum, brass, bronze and iron.
See this link for the recipe:...
Bentone for sale
Cuchillo "Barracuda"
Hola! Como andan.
Despues de tanto tiempo vuelvo a andar por acá.
Me di como dos meses de vacaciones, pero hace tres semanas me he puesto a hacer el cuchillo que les presento ahora:
Lo llamé "Barracuda"
-Punta: Drop point (aserrado)
-Acero: 5160
-Largo total: 32,5 cm
-Largo de hoja: 18 cm
-Largo de empuñadura: 14,5 cm
-Grosor: 5 mm
-Peso: 441 g
-Material de empuñadura: Guayubira con separadores plasticos
Enlace directo:
El formato del cuchillo es debido a un diseño que habia hecho hace dos años atrás. Me ponia a dibujar diseños "extravagantes" o por lo menos muy vistosos... los iba guardando y me los olvidé en mi pieza.
Los encontré hace un mes y éste es uno de los que me lancé a hacer.
A pesar de todo, la parte que mas me agrada es la empuñadura con una defensa muy gorda, aunque podria llegar a molestar el dedo indice al usarse por mucho tiempo.
Ojala les guste!
Ya le tocaba... una veterana Giesen & Forsthoff. (edito con funda)
Buenas, amigos de los filos, otra restauración cargada de imágenes (ahora que no las necesito revelar).
Estuvo bastante tiempo a la venta, al final me fijé en ella. Era como para pensarselo, su estado no era el idoneo, sentí su llamada y la adopté sin más.
Antes de evaluar mis opciones la limpié un poco.
Podía continuar para dejarla bonita pero las holguras seguirían ahí, opté por el camino largo.
Sus cachas acrilicas eran muy finas, había que ser muy cuidadoso. Mecanicé asientos nuevos para enrasar posteriormente.
Repasé cada componente y comencé a montar.
Los muelles de carbono fueron pavonados de nuevo.
El remachado me tuvo acojonado, no tenía margen de error.
Antes del pulido final.
Lista pués, a la pasarela...
Clásico sacacorchos ranurado.
Sus cuños.
La delgadez de cachas, forros y separador, más el fino ajuste la hace muy compacta.
Con sus útiles expuestos.
Acto seguido le haré una funda de cuero fino de la época, la mostraré en este post.
Espero que sea de vuestro agrado, feliz fin de semana, saludos.
Recién terminada la funda bolsillera.
Junto a la vieja funda y una colega también alemana que fué recientemente presentada.
La KMF con útiles similares es más voluminosa.
Me ha quedado un tamden de lujo. Que tiempos...
Pasadlo bién, un saludo.