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Home model engine machinists & makers forum. Model engine making forums for engine plans, castings, CAD, CNC designs, lathe, Stirling, boilers & steam.
Actualizado: hace 3 años 5 meses

Harvard/Stickney Jr Model

Jue, 10/14/2021 - 23:47
Hello. I've acquired a Harvard (also called Stickney Jr.) model that was built from a casting kit from BP Machine. I think these kits were sold about 20 years ago, but are no longer available.

This model is mostly complete, but has some issues. For starters, the cylinder was not drilled/tapped for an oiler or for a spark plug (N.B., it is fitted with a mechanical ignitor for spark). Also, the timing gear on the eccentric shaft is not keyed, as called for in the plans. So I've decided...

Harvard/Stickney Jr Model

Flywheel Castings

Jue, 10/14/2021 - 22:51
Maybe this has been put out there before, but I just discovered it for myself...
If only there was a basic (and super cheap) casting readily available to make nice flywheels with. This will work

Advice sought re: 3D printer purchase

Jue, 10/14/2021 - 22:35

Looking at getting myself one of these gizmos.

One problem is that this is a Linux house - - - - haven't run M$ stuff in years!

Second I was thinking of trying to get something a bit bigger than the 250 x 250 x 200 envelope.
Seems that the bigger models get really expensive in freight.

Hoping you guys have some ideas.
(Maybe better to start with a smaller model?, way to get in Canuckistan w/o breaking the bank!!! (Important!!!!!!!!) - - - anything else)

Anyone roll their...

Advice sought re: 3D printer purchase

30cc Inline Twin 4-stroke Engine based on Westbury's Wallaby

Jue, 10/14/2021 - 21:36
My next engine build will be a derivative of Edgar Westbury's Wallaby, first designed for a model train, then updated for use in a model hydroplane. The engine is an overhead valve, water cooled, 30cc, inline twin cylinder 4-stroke. My version will use no castings.

I am a huge fan of Edgar Westbury's work as a model engine designer. He was very prolific producing designs optimized for construction by the home machinist with minimal tools, typically a small lathe and a drilling machine...

30cc Inline Twin 4-stroke Engine based on Westbury's Wallaby

Cringle boiler build.

Jue, 10/14/2021 - 20:11
Hi all im just starting on another batch of my little boilers so will record a full build log with plenty of photo's.
This is the boiler as they look finished..

I do make these as finished models and aslo in kit form with preformed can ends. This is how the parts look in the kit form..

For this thread il record the whole process and so will show every step i take along the way.
So here goes it..
First cut stock close to...

Cringle boiler build.

1/4 scale international model M

Jue, 10/14/2021 - 20:09
I made one engine using my castings, I always make two sets of castings be cause of its size many parts were fabricated. Its a good running little engine

30cc Elmer Wall Mighty-Mite

Jue, 10/14/2021 - 20:07
Hello all... thanks for allowing me in. Though i would share this running before it is remounted on a walnut base. may see it up for sale some day!
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Sudden Problems With my Printer

Jue, 10/14/2021 - 19:12
I have a Creality Ender 3V2 that I've been learning the ins and outs of printing on, and in the last few days, it has developed a problem I've never seen before.

No filament sticks to the bed.

In the last few days, I went to make a little tool to hold sand paper onto a crankshaft I'm making. Think of a popsicle stick with a thicker handle at the back. The stick portion is thin, 1/8", and the back handle is 1/2"...

Sudden Problems With my Printer

Chinese 4 stroke model camshaft repair advice

Jue, 10/14/2021 - 18:29
Hi there. I am new to the forum and do love model engines. I got a m16 Chinese model 4 stroke engine which I run on white gas and MMO. I am really entertained by these things. I’ve put a grand total of 36 hours of run time on this little model.
After a nice tune on it, the camshaft has started to wear significantly. Making a big pit in the middle of the lobe.

Chinese 4 stroke model camshaft repair advice

A new look at Opposed Twin I.C. Engine

Jue, 10/14/2021 - 15:37
A few years ago, I built my version of an opposed twin i.c. engine. It ran very well, and I was very pleased with it. There was always a problem with the configuration of this engine, because the sparkplugs were at the very bottom of the horizontal cylinders, and if you happened to flood it while starting it, you could crank all day and it wouldn't clear itself. However, it did run, and I made some good videos of it running. The crankshaft was riding on bronze bushings, and the crank wasn't...

A new look at Opposed Twin I.C. Engine

Model sized nuts

Jue, 10/14/2021 - 15:17
Where can you buy model size nuts that look right on small engines? I am looking for 4-40 &6-32 in particular but could use other sizes if available. Thanks Colin

Is there something like lost wax?

Jue, 10/14/2021 - 13:44
Is there something one can do with a 3D printer that is like lost wax?


Optical center punch formula

Jue, 10/14/2021 - 13:29
I use an optical punch as an aid when doing metalwork (see attached picture). It is one of my favorite gadgets! I broke the optical rod when I knocked the device of the table. I use it a lot and thought this is a good time for me to finally make my own improved version that does not require I swop the optical rob with the punch each time.

I have a short length of 10mm Perspex rob that I used to make the optical rob from. It worked well but the focus is completely out. I used a 13 mm radius...

Optical center punch formula

Help: Looking for a Boiler for this 3 cylinder steam engine

Jue, 10/14/2021 - 11:23
i'm looking for a boiler for this 3 cyl steam engine for my boat. but i have no idea which boiler matches it. and I can't find the right boiler for it. any suggestion. thanks in advance. cylinder-steam-engine-model-for-80-120cm-steamship

Porsche 917 flat 12 engine

Jue, 10/14/2021 - 10:38
Porsche 917 is a race car developed by German manufacturer Porsche
The 917 gave Porsche its first overall wins at the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1970and 1971.
Powered by flat 12 engine, air cooled , of 4.5, 4.9, or 5 liters,
The Can-Am variant twin turbo was capable of 1100-1540 Hp

mini v2 engine model?

Jue, 10/14/2021 - 05:36
i find it from stirlingkit's blog. amazing

Ohrndorf 5 Cylinder Radial

Jue, 10/14/2021 - 04:10
I’ve been working on this radial engine on & off for <ahem> more than a few years now. You may have seen some of my prior questions or random posts scattered elsewhere on the forum. Progress has been pretty slow with the usual factors - time constraints, distractions & learn-as-you go snail’s pace. I also had a few unwelcome interruptions with my machines. The drive train on my ’97 Taiwan 14x40 lathe developed problems which took some time to source parts & repair. Then shortly...

Ohrndorf 5 Cylinder Radial

25 HP Nash

Jue, 10/14/2021 - 02:39
I first saw this engine at the 2019 NAMES show. Can't remember for certain who had made it, but he also had a really nice Lanz tractor. I asked where I could get the plans and he said, "Be patient, watch Village Press ". If anyone knows the modelers name, help me out, that was some sensory overload, and while I took pictures, I didn't get good notes. Anyway I saw it again here, from Rustkollector, and he said the same thing, but now it was "very soon". and it was.
I got the book "The Engines...

25 HP Nash

Fuel for a Westbury Phoenix (and other 2-stroke home machined engines..)

Mié, 10/13/2021 - 21:08
Hi, what is the right percentage of oil to mix in the gas for these old and "big" 2-stroke engines and what kind of oil, I.E. standard oil for chainsaw, mopeds or other for modern engines?

I'm looking to find a milling attachment

Mié, 10/13/2021 - 16:15
I'm looking to find a milling attachment for my newly acquired hobby lathe. It is a chinese export lathe that i couldnt find much about it. I'm trying to get together what i need to build model engines and honestly i'm disheartened that a mill is also needed. I'm new to lathes so i dont know which milling attachments would fit this mini lathe. Most of experienced lathe users doesnt like or recommend cheap stuff and they are...

I'm looking to find a milling attachment
