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3 Noticias economicas ingles

Britain’s sluggish stockmarket

The Economist Briefing - Sáb, 10/02/2021 - 02:00
Why London is no longer the world’s bourse

The decline of Britain’s stockmarket should be seen in a broader historical context

The Economist Briefing - Sáb, 10/02/2021 - 02:00
The historical context of the City of London’s slump

In power, the Taliban’s divisions are coming to the fore

The Economist Asia - Sáb, 10/02/2021 - 02:00
Ideological differences and bored fighters are creating headaches for its leaders

Afghan embassies don’t recognise the Taliban

The Economist Asia - Sáb, 10/02/2021 - 02:00
Diplomats remain loyal to an old regime that barely exists

India’s government is using the taxman against its opponents

The Economist Asia - Sáb, 10/02/2021 - 02:00
Targets include vocal critics of the state but also those who make it look bad

Brazil might get nuclear-powered submarines even before Australia

The Economist The Americas - Jue, 09/30/2021 - 02:00
The country has been working on the technology for decades

Floating offshore farms should increase production of seaweed

The Economist Science - Jue, 09/30/2021 - 02:00
And they might even help alleviate climate change

How a housing downturn could wreck China’s growth model

The Economist Finance - Jue, 09/30/2021 - 02:00
Evergrande’s woes expose the economy’s unhealthy dependence on property

China’s new political risk premium

The Economist Finance - Jue, 09/30/2021 - 02:00
A series of policy upheavals is putting off some investors

Ford and General Motors fight it out to electrify

The Economist Business - Jue, 09/30/2021 - 02:00
The switch to battery power is the latest showdown between Detroit’s heavyweights

Going public? Here is a how-to guide

The Economist Business - Jue, 09/30/2021 - 02:00
As flotations boom, we look at what is changing at a key moment in capitalism

Sir Keir Starmer is sailing the Labour Party in the right direction

The Economist Britain - Jue, 09/30/2021 - 02:00
Despite mutinous left-wingers’ attempts to knock him off course

In Kishida Fumio, Japan’s old guard opts for the status quo

The Economist Asia - Jue, 09/30/2021 - 02:00
The incoming prime minister is an uncontroversial choice

A new report digs into China’s labyrinthine foreign loans

The Economist Asia - Jue, 09/30/2021 - 02:00
Asian and other developing countries owe more money than they might think

Tyrannosaurs may have nibbled each other when mating

The Economist Science - Mié, 09/29/2021 - 02:00
That is the message of bite marks on their jaws

Boris Johnson dodges the blame for Britain’s petrol-pump nightmare

The Economist Britain - Mié, 09/29/2021 - 02:00
But his government has not got any better at crisis-management

After a tight election, Olaf Scholz’s Social Democrats come out just in front

The Economist Europe - Dom, 09/26/2021 - 20:22
But forming a new government could take a long time


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