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Gatling Gun - Dom, 08/15/2021 - 23:15
A little while back I mentioned in a post that I was working on a Gatling gun. I was asked to post photos but declined thinking it would be considered off subject. A moderator “Kvom” advised that a Gatling gun post was acceptable, so I posted a few photos of the project in progress without any complaints. The project is now complete and I would like to present it here.

The American ATF does not consider the Gatling as a machine gun as each shot is loaded cocked and fired mechanically by...

Gatling Gun

Fondos: Numantia Patrimonio Global - Dom, 08/15/2021 - 23:12

Sigo un poco traumatizado por la salida de a 45$ y su vuelta al fondo a 90$ o los dos meses que ha durado Microsoft en cartera. 2 meses se dice pronto. Teladoc estoy recordando también duró un suspiro.

Puedo comprar su argumento de compré A pero veo mayor potencial en B pero a no ser que tenga una bola de cristal no puede saber si subirá antes A o B y por lo tanto entiendo que lo lógico sería llevar las dos. Como el comentario de hace unos días sobre la necesidad de concentrar y eliminar posiciones, no lo entiendo. Por muy buenas ideas que tenga si constantemente le da al botón de comprar y vender no consolidará ninguna y encima hará incurrir al fondo, ya de por sí carillo, en grandes costes de transacción.

Biden's Afghanistan Surrender

The Wall Street Journal Opinions - Dom, 08/15/2021 - 23:08
The President tries to duck responsibility for a calamitous withdrawal.

Un aluvión de gasto que no resuelve la crisis

expansion opinion - Dom, 08/15/2021 - 23:06
El gasto público dispara la inflación, frena el crecimiento a largo plazo y eleva el riesgo de la deuda. Leer

Nancy Pelosi on Afghan Women

The Wall Street Journal Opinions - Dom, 08/15/2021 - 23:06
The House Speaker has a stern feminist warning for the Taliban.

Comment on Strong Reasons For Hiring A Financial Advisor Or Investment Manager by Financial Samurai - Dom, 08/15/2021 - 23:04

In reply to Mikey.

I do like Redfin and am a shareholder. The solution is to go on strike and never sell until commission rates come down to more reasonable levels.

The great irony of high commission costs is that it makes it harder to sell, which is enabled homeowners to get wealthier.

The Afghan Allies Left Behind

The Wall Street Journal Opinions - Dom, 08/15/2021 - 23:03
Fear and chaos in Kabul as the U.S. fails to get loyal friends out.

Comment on Strong Reasons For Hiring A Financial Advisor Or Investment Manager by Mikey - Dom, 08/15/2021 - 22:56

I agree that the 5-6 % brokerage fee to sell a house seems too much.
What do you think is the right solution to this issue? It reminds me of the days of $30 per trade commissions for stocks for the individual investor. There are some discount brokerages such as Redfin, but I don’t know think they have gained enough traction to disrupt the status quo of the traditional brokerage model. I’m up for brainstorming and working together on something if you ever wanted to explore a new brokerage model!

¿Eliminamos los fondos mixtos de la cartera? - Dom, 08/15/2021 - 22:40

Será muy interesante comprobar desempeño sin cubrir moneda.


La inflación, de vuelta

Expansion directivos - Dom, 08/15/2021 - 22:35
En 2021 hemos hablado más de ello que durante años. Leer

Wanted: Little Hercules plans and notes - Dom, 08/15/2021 - 22:32
I'm looking for a set of plans and notes for a Shores Little Hercules engine from someone who has finished theirs. I bought a kit a while back from a guy who was cleaning out his father's estate. The seller could not find the documentation when he did a cursory check. Yes, I know that someone is now selling the kits again. I am trying to find an alternate source that is less expensive than the distributor's current price. Alternatively, I'll also consider a whole kit (including...

Wanted: Little Hercules plans and notes

FS casting for Wright Radial - Dom, 08/15/2021 - 22:23
These are the best castings I have ever seen They are die cast not sand so finish is really nice. I bought these years ago from the guy in Norway I think. The flying club there
commissioned a professional machinist to build the engine and then sold castings to defray the cost. Building instructions included. I had dreams of using these on a v twin but
realistically will never happen so I would sell them. I think they are worth $US100.

La historia de Luis G. - Dom, 08/15/2021 - 21:55

Ya es posible la tokenización de acciones en entornos DEFI. No hace falta un lustro, solo invertir con cryptos. Tókens de acciones, el jaque mate de Binance a las bolsas

Las pensiones - Dom, 08/15/2021 - 21:51

Aqui la exposición de rallo me parece que patina. Da por hecho que el ahorro no destinados a planes de pensiones ha ido destinado a…? Consumo? Impuestos? otro tipo de ahorro/inversión?
No lo deja claro y pone de manifiesto el sesgo por el que muchos le atacan.

La psicología en la inversión - Dom, 08/15/2021 - 21:36

Mi cartera, y espero las vuestras, en máximos absolutos.

La mía también y eso que no hago más que descapitalizarme.

Democrats Put Taxpayers Behind the 8-Ball

The Wall Street Journal Opinions - Dom, 08/15/2021 - 21:34
‘Outlook not so good’ if you have a retirement account, capital gains or assets for inheritance.

The World Needs to Know What Happened at the Wuhan Lab

The Wall Street Journal Opinions - Dom, 08/15/2021 - 21:34
Was the coronavirus manipulated to infect humans? If so, that will inform our response.

T head engine by Brian - Dom, 08/15/2021 - 21:33
Today seen the beginning of a new engine.---The design phase, at least. After recently seeing an Upshur T head coming together on HMEM and a post by Vederstein about building a T head engine I thought that would be an interesting engine to design and build. I'm in no rush to start building, but I know how that generally works. I spent most of today bringing the design along to this stage, and will probably finish up the cylinder head tomorrow...

T head engine by Brian


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